We present the largest funding rounds that have taken place in recent years in Location Intelligence companies for Retail. In addition, we analyse Geoblink's investment round, with which it has received a €5M capital injection.
Analysis of investment in Maritime Connectivity. Marlink absorbs OmniAccess.
We present the largest funding rounds that have taken place in recent years in Location Intelligence companies for Retail. In addition, we analyse Geoblink's investment round, with which it has received a €5M capital injection.
Video Editing SaaS investment analysis. PlayFilm raises €1.1M.
Learn about the biggest funding rounds in recent years in companies specialising in SaaS Video Editing. Plus, we take a look at PlayFilm's €1.1M seed investment round.
Analysis of the investment in TravelTech for Business. TravelPerk closes a €17M round.
We review the biggest rounds in recent years in companies specialising in TravelTech for Business. In addition, we analyse TravelPerk's investment round, with which it has received a €17M capital injection.
Analysis of investment in the Chemical Industry. Moira Capital acquires GRIT.
We take a look at the largest financing rounds that have taken place in recent years in the European chemical industry. In addition, we analyse the acquisition of GRIT by private equity firm Moira Capital.
Automated Cybersecurity Investment Analysis. CounterCraft raises €2M.
We take a look at the largest financing rounds that have taken place in recent years in the European chemical industry. In addition, we analyse the acquisition of GRIT by private equity firm Moira Capital.
Analysis of the investment in Automotive Suppliers. Teknia acquires Bravo Enterprises.
We study the main data of the investment rounds that have taken place in recent years in Automotive Suppliers. We also analyse the acquisition of Bravo Enterprises by Teknia Group.
Business Intelligence Software investment analysis. Fusion acquires BSM Iberia.
Find out the main facts about the latest investment rounds in Business Intelligence Software in Europe. In addition, we analyse the acquisition of BSM Iberia by Fusion Business Solutions.
Analysis of the investment in Cloud Data Services. Keepler closes its first round.
Find out the main facts about the latest investment rounds in Business Intelligence Software in Europe. In addition, we analyse the acquisition of BSM Iberia by Fusion Business Solutions.
Analysis of IT investment in Brazil. Latest acquisitions and rounds.
We take a look at the latest major acquisitions and investment rounds by technology companies in Brazil.
Analysis of investment in e-Learning. Yogome closes a $26.9M round.
We take a look at the latest major acquisitions and investment rounds by technology companies in Brazil.
Analysis of investment in mHealth. Top Doctors doubles its turnover and expects to triple it in 2018.
We present the latest investment rounds in companies specialising in mHealth (Mobile Health) in Europe. In addition, we analyse the success of the Spanish company Top Doctors, which has doubled its turnover in 2017 and expects to triple it in 2018.