Los inversores corporativos mejoran su confianza en Europa y optan por el crecimiento vía fusiones y adquisiciones de empresas tecnológicas alcanzando el máximo desde el 2012. El primer semestre de 2014 con 94 operaciones presenta la mayor cifra de fusiones y...
Acquisitions in the training sector
Aunque en los últimos años se han realizado varias fusiones y fusiones y adquisiciones en el sector de la educación y formación en España, la tendencia está decreciendo, en este año 2014 tan solo se ha realizado una operación. Operaciones en empresas muy ...

Mergers and acquisitions in the ICT sector have continued to grow during the crisis.
Mergers and acquisitions of companies in the information and communication technologies sector have not been affected by the crisis, although it is true that in 2009 there was a decrease in the number of operations, from 2010 onwards it began to grow, maintaining the pace in H1 2014.
In the US, new technologies in the oil industry are boosting financial operations in the sector.
In recent years, the entry of new technology in the oil and gas sector and the recovery of the US as the leading oil and gas producer has encouraged venture capital to invest in the sector, which in the last half of 2013 reached its highest investment figure, with a total of $149M in 10 deals. Moreover, thanks to foreign buyers, and the use of new technologies to extract shale gas, the M&A market reached its highest volume in the first quarter of 2014 in the last decade.
Mergers and acquisitions in Latin America May 2014
May saw an increase in the volume invested in mergers and acquisitions compared to the same period last year, although it is true that activity continues to fall in all countries, except Mexico, which maintained the same number as in May 2013.
Mergers and acquisitions May 2014
Mergers and acquisitions in the month of May continue the positive trend that this market is experiencing. According to TTR data, comparing the number of operations carried out this month with the same period last year, we see that the number of operations has increased by 40%, from 59 to 83.
Entertainment investments that bridge reality and the virtual world
In recent years, the entertainment industry has evolved a lot, users are no longer satisfied with controlling characters with a controller, now they themselves want to get into that reality. Large technology companies are investing millions of dollars to make technology "almost real worlds".
Mergers in the tourism sector
In recent years, the tourism sector has undergone several changes, one of which has been the use of new technologies by customers to find out about the wide variety of offers and organise their trips. This has revolutionised the tourism offer, which has wanted to take advantage of this great opportunity, carrying out numerous purchasing operations to adapt to the technological market or to take advantage of the opportunity that the Internet gives to open up to new geographical markets.

Mergers and Acquisitions Latin America Market February 2014
The number of transactions in Latin America has fallen slightly compared to the previous month, however, the volume of investment has increased as a number of large deals have been closed, especially cross-border transactions.

January has seen the highest volume of M&A investment, surpassing its last monthly peak in July 2013.
The Spanish M&A market in 2013
2013 was a good year for mergers and acquisitions, with a total of 1183 deals worth €70,955M. This represents an increase in deals of 29.57% compared to the previous year.
Freelance recruitment platforms merge
The recently merged Anglo-Saxon freelance recruitment platforms, Elance and oDesk, have received more than $130M in venture capital investment. Spanish-speaking leader Nubelo has raised $1.7M to date.