Línea Directa de Innovación is a financing programme promoted by the CDTI and the Technology Fund, which aims to support business projects that involve the incorporation and adaptation of new technologies at a sectoral level and that represent a competitive advantage for the company. Technological adaptation actions aimed at the introduction of new markets will also be financed.
The Emprendetur 2015 call for proposals opens
Those wishing to apply for the Emprendetur grant, which aims to support innovative product projects within the national integrated tourism plan, must do so before 27 July. This aid is divided into two sub-programmes, Emprendetur R&D and Emprendetur Development.
Major Spanish participation in H2020 2014
495 Spanish companies obtained funding in 2014 from H2020 to finance R&D&I projects, ranking third in the EU-28. In addition, Spanish companies lead the SME instrument programme.
CDTI- Iberoeka, Spain-Uruguay, second call for R&D projects
The CDTI (Spain) and ANII (Uruguay) open a bilateral call to select and finance collaborative R&D projects between companies from both countries, open to all sectors of industry. The deadline for submitting the first call is 15 September 2015, the call will be carried out in two phases, in the first phase the projects will be presented and in the second phase the projects that have passed the first phase will be able to apply for funding to the national funding agencies.
AEESD 2015 call for proposals opens
Yesterday, 20th May, the 2015 call for proposals for the Strategic Action for the Digital Economy and Society (AEESD) for the year 2015 was opened. The main new features are that the % grant has been increased and can reach 50% for SMEs depending on the qualification and that projects must be individual and consortiums cannot apply. Below is a summary of the most important conditions.
Neotec: CDTI support for technology companies
At the end of July, the CDTI is expected to open the Neotec call, which aims to support the creation and consolidation of new technology-based companies. Although the CDTI is still reviewing the conditions, it seems that this year the aid will be converted into a grant and will have an annual call, open for two months.
Enisa 2015: Participatory loans for companies
On 24 April, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR) signed 3 agreements with Enisa with the aim of setting the characteristics and budgets available for the 2015 financing lines. The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism will allocate €98.319M for this purpose.
Spri Programme "Industria digitala" application of ICTs in industrial SMEs
On 21 April, the deadline for applications for aid granted by Spri for the incorporation of Electronics, Information and Communications Technologies (EICTs) in industrial manufacturing SMEs opened.
CDTI support for the preparation of Community proposals (APC) H2020
The CDTI will soon open the application period for H2020 grants for the preparation of proposals for research and innovation actions and SME instrument actions in phase II.
H2020 Smart, green and integrated transport
One of the societal challenges of the Horizon2020 programme is to achieve a smart, green and integrated transport system for Europe. It has a budget of €6339M for the period 2014-2020. 30% will go to transport systems and 70% to means of transport.
The Aeesd 2015 call for proposals is expected to be launched by the end of April. The aim of the call is to develop the digital economy, reduce management costs in the administration and improve the service to citizens, strengthen the Spanish ICT sector as a source of economic growth and...
Innterconecta 2015 Programme
CDTI has announced the FEDER INNTERCONECTA call for experimental development projects in collaboration between communities with the aim of developing future technologies with international economic and commercial projection. As a novelty, this year it seems that it will be able to be interregional in nature.