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Analysis of Cofides and its main operations

We analyse the main data on Cofides, the state-owned commercial company for the financing of private investment projects abroad. In addition, we review the requirements for a project to be eligible and study the most important Cofides operations in recent years.

The Hazitek grants to support R&D in Basque companies have been published.

The call, which will have a budget similar to last year's, around €68M, will be organised in two phases this year: In the first phase, projects will be selected and in the second phase, a decision will be taken on the grant to be awarded to those projects which, having been selected in the first phase, meet all the requirements of the programme. Applications for the first phase can be submitted until 7 April.

Cdti approves 17 projects in the ICT sector in October

Cdti approves 17 projects in the ICT sector in October

17 Spanish companies in the ICT sector received funding from the Cdti in October. Among the subsectors in which they operate, energy and industry 4.0 stand out. The Cdti, which depends on the Ministry of Economy, finances innovation and technological development of Spanish companies, with a budget of 1,792 million euros for 2016.

Fondico Global has chosen 9 funds in which it will invest €157M in its 7th call.

Fondico Global has chosen 9 funds in which it will invest €157M in its 7th call.

26 funds in 3 different categories: Expansion Capital, Venture Capital and Incubation, participated in the 7th Fondico call. Of these 26 funds, 9 have been selected, three in each category. Fondico will distribute €157M among these funds. Given the multiplier effect generated by this instrument, the funds participating thanks to this call will invest a minimum of €660M in Spain, which is 4.2 times the amount of €157M committed by FOND-ICO Global.