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Hidráulicas Jimol and Hydromodel, water industry companies receive funding

According to a report by RobecoSAM, the water business is a $600 billion market globally and is growing between 1% and 2% faster than global GDP. In Spain, spending is around €7,000 M. Water services, such as household supply, account for 55% of this total; wastewater treatment 38% and water for industry 6%. Although we are below the European average, Spain has companies that want to grow and achieve a leading position in the market. In recent months we have seen companies such as hidráulicas Jimol and Hydromodel receive funding for this purpose.

Ecrowd and Arboribus: Crowdlending platforms get funding

Financing through crowdlending platforms is growing in Spain and the rest of the world due to the advantages it offers. According to a worldwide corporate study of the sector published in 2015 by Massolution, crowdlending has grown by 233% with 11,080 million dollars raised in 2014. Moreover, crowdlending platforms are growing. Recently two Spanish crowdlending platforms: Ecrowd and Arboribus have received funding.

Towards a Spain based on technology-based companies

The improvement in the economic situation and the need to consolidate technology-based companies in our country have led to the emergence of initiatives to promote technology-based companies. At the end of July, the Neotec aid programme will be launched, which this year has a new feature in the form of a grant.

Siroco capital Engie, and Fondico: New venture capital funds

As we saw in our post last week, venture capital is in a good moment in Spain. If in May we had already talked about the creation of new technology venture capital funds, now we have news that Fondi-ico, the fund of funds has opened its 5th call. We have also recently heard about the creation of new funds for the energy sector, such as Siroco Capital and Engie.