Ecrowd and Arboribus: Crowdlending platforms get funding
Diego Gutiérrez
Ecrowd and Arboribus: Crowdlending platforms get funding
Financing through crowdlending platforms is growing in Spain and the rest of the world due to the advantages it offers. According to a worldwide corporate study of the sector published in 2015 by Massolution, crowdlending has grown by 233% with 11,080 million dollars raised in 2014. Moreover, crowdlending platforms are growing. Recently two Spanish crowdlending platforms: Ecrowd and Arboribus have received funding.

Arboribus completes its third investment round

 Arboribus has completed its third round of investment amounting to €650,000, with the participation of Business Angels, Family Offices and private equity funds such as Ona Capital and other private investors. This round comes two years after Arboribus launched its first crowdlending loan, and since then it has not stopped growing. Arboribus maintains exponential growth and its quarterly lending volume is now 8 times higher than in 2013. For the more than 2,600 investors registered on the platform, the results remain very attractive: 7% net return (before tax).

Ecrowd increases capital through its platform

The crowdfunding platform Ecrowd of type crowdlending has increased capital to comply with the recent regulation of crowfunding that requires platforms to have a share capital of more than €60,000 paid in full in cash, also when the loans intermediated on the Crowdlending platform rises more than €2,000,000 the Crowdlending company must increase its capital to an amount equal to or greater than €120,000.

To do so, and as a reflection of its philosophy, it is doing so by means of an equity crowdfunding campaign on the platform Crowdcube. Ecrowd is seeking an investment of 100,000 euros for 9'10% of the company's capital, which represents a valuation of more than one million euros.

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