Towards a Spain based on technology-based companies
Diego Gutiérrez
Towards a Spain based on technology-based companies
The improvement in the economic situation and the need to consolidate technology-based companies in our country have led to the emergence of initiatives to promote technology-based companies. At the end of July, the Neotec aid programme will be launched, which this year has a new feature in the form of a grant.

What is a technology-based company?

Technology-based companies (TBCs) are companies generated from research results, which are brought to the market in the form of products or services. They differ from innovative start-ups that use technology in that TBCs are intensive users of knowledge, i.e. generators of technology and innovation. 

The years of crisis that we have experienced in Spain have led to a decrease in R&D investment in Spain, from fifteenth to seventeenth place among the countries of the European Union in this area. According to the OECD, a country's long-term economic growth depends on the creation and promotion of a favourable environment for innovation.

 This situation may change, the exit from the crisis and the public and private aid that is being provided foresee a change towards a more innovative Spain.


New funds to support innovative companies  

 So far in 2015, the following have been launched new funds and initiatives to support the creation of EBTs in different sectors.

A group of Catalan private investors have created the fund Victora Ventures to invest in technology companies emerging from universities, research centres and science parks. The fund expects to have €5M, with the possibility of raising up to €15M and investing in a dozen projects over the next 3 years.

 Caixa Capital risk ha lanzado recientemente CaixaImpulse, que ofrece un programa de acompañamiento experto y una aportación económica para la elaboración y ejecución de un plan de valorización de los activos protegidos o protegibles resultado de una investigación, así como para la elaboración de un plan de comercialización para empresas en el ámbito de ciencias de la vida, médicas o de la salud.

 The Spanish Group  Hotusahas created Hotusa Ventures to invest in innovative technology companies and startups focused on the hotel and tourism sector. In its first year, it expects at least 75 new candidate projects to pass through its hands. The fund will provide financial resources and strategic development capabilities to the selected startups, so that the companies can consolidate both commercially and technologically.

The University of Salamanca and Uninvest have signed a collaboration agreement to explore potential investment processes in technology-based companies related to the academic institution.

Neotec: CDTI's support to boost EBTs is open for applications

At the end of July the call for applications will be opened. Neotecto support the creation and consolidation of new technology-based companies, which are no more than five years old.

 New this year, the support will be a non-repayable grant partially covering all investments during the first two years of the business plan from the time of submission of the application. At least 50% for R&D and maximum subcontracting of 50% of the budget.

The minimum budget is €175K with a maximum contribution of €250K.

Eligible expenses are Investments in fixed assets, personnel costs, materials, external collaborations, expenses for going public on the Alternative Stock Market and other costs. In no case are expenses and investments financed prior to the application.

If you think that your company can participate in this aid, do not hesitate to contact us on +34.946024142. Abra-Invest has a team of experts in financing for the technology sector.


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