Venture capital in the tourism sector: Springwater and Inveready.
Diego Gutiérrez
Venture capital in the tourism sector: Springwater and Inveready.
Venture capital is active in the tourism sector. If we recently mentioned that the Hotusa group had decided to create a fund for technological and innovative startups focused on the hotel and tourism sector, in this post we comment on the operations that have been carried out in the sector recently.

Springwater increases capital in Wamos

The background Springwater has made  a capital increase of up to €2.5 M in Wamosleaving out of the game Gowaiwhich held a 20% stake in the company and has decided not to participate in the capital increase.

The transaction increases Springwater's ownership in the partnership to 81%, while Royal Caribbean retains its 19% ownership in Wamos.

In 2014, the Wamos tourism group, which brings together two tour operators (Wamos Tours and Wamos Circuitos), an airline (Wamos Air) and the Nautalia Viajes agency network, had a turnover of almost €500m.


Hundredrooms receives €1M investment

Inveready has led a €1M round of financing in Hundredroomsa holiday rental metasearch engine, mainly focused on aggregating the supply of privately managed properties.

The round was also attended by Bankinter Capital Riesgo, Media Digital Ventures, several of the current partners. In addition, Hundredrooms has also secured public funding. 


Pontegadea divests in  Occidental Hotels in favour of Barceló

Pontegeada has exited the Occidental Hoteles hotel chain after selling the 23.63% it held to Grupo Barceló, which has also acquired the stakes held by minority shareholders, thus reaching 42.5% of the capital.

"In addition Barceló Corporación Empresarial has signed with the BBVA an agreement to acquire the 57.5% of Occidental Hoteles Management's capital that it does not control, which will make the Mallorcan tourism group, which currently holds 42.5% of the hotel company, the sole owner of the company", says Diego Gutierrez of Abra-Invest.

Following this transaction, the Barceló group's objective is to acquire 100% of Occidental Hoteles in order to strengthen its position in the Caribbean, with this investment Barceló enters Colombia, Arab and Haiti and increases its assets in the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Costa Rica.

If you would like to obtain financing, please contact us on +34. 946424142 or fill in the questionnaire. Abra Invest has a highly experienced team at your disposal. 


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