The CDTI launches the global innovation line to finance business projects that boost the growth of SMEs through investment in technological innovation.

The CDTI launches the global innovation line to finance business projects that boost the growth of SMEs through investment in technological innovation.
Within the framework of the Spanish National Integral Tourism Plan (PNIT), the Secretary of State for Tourism announced the Emprendetur Programme for young entrepreneurs, focused on financing R&D projects related to technological innovation and tourism with the aim of supporting research and development applied to products in the tourism sector. It seems that this November 2014 a new call will be opened in similar terms to the previous one.
Within the framework of the Spanish National Integral Tourism Plan (PNIT), the Secretary of State for Tourism has announced the Emprendetur R&D Programme, aimed at financing R&D projects related to technological innovation and tourism with the objective of supporting research and development applied to products in the tourism sector.
Horizon 2020 (H2020), the European Union's public funding programme for research and innovation for the period 2014-2020, presents its new calls for April 2015 in the field of "Information & Communication Technologies" with a budget of € 561M.
The Basque Government has begun to explain to Basque companies the priorities for specialisation in certain fields in which to carry out a large part of the public funding in R&D in which three meta-priorities are set: Advanced Manufacturing, Energy and Micro-bio-nano Convergence for Health. The development of a smart specialisation strategy is already a prerequisite for any country or region to be able to access the funding offered by major European projects.
COSME with a budget of €2.3 billion to run between 2014 and 2020 is the EU's Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs programme that helps entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises to start up, access finance and internationalise, as well as supporting authorities to improve the business environment and facilitate economic growth in the European Union.
Spain is positioned as the first country in number of projects in Phase 1 of the SME Instrument of Horizon 2020, obtaining 39 of the 155 projects selected for funding. The next cut-off date for submitting new projects in phase 1 will be this September, here are some keys to take into account so that your project can be part of those selected.
After two years, the rebates on social security contributions for research personnel are back, with the aim of encouraging the recruitment of research personnel.
El 10 de junio se abrió el plazo para la solicitud de las ayudas de apoyo a la inversión Gauzatu – Industria de SPRI, que tiene como objetivo impulsar la creación y desarrollo de pymes de base tecnológica y/o innovadoras. Los beneficiarios podrán presentar la solicitud hasta el 11 de Julio.
ACCIÓ10 es la agencia adscrita al Departamento de Empresa y Empleo de la Generalidad de Cataluña, que apoya la empresa catalana, impulsando la innovación, la internalización y el crecimiento, con el objetivo de que esta pueda ser competitiva. Ayudas a la...
New Basque government fund with €5M to promote new Basque companies that have gone through the Ekintzaile programme. The programme is divided into two parts, to meet the needs of the companies according to their characteristics, Basque fund section I and Basque fund section II.
Horizon 2020 (H2020) is the Programme for Research and Innovation in the European Union for the period 2014-2020. The Cdti has prepared a quick guide with its main features that we detail below.