The aim of Retos-Colaboración is to promote experimental development projects in collaboration between companies and research organisations. Last year, this aid has been novel in that SMEs in the autonomous communities of Andalusia, the Canary Islands, Castile-La Mancha, Ceuta, Extremadura, Galicia, Melilla, Asturias and Murcia received grants to finance their actions in 2016.
H2020 SME instrument - success stories
SME Instrument is a funding programme for SMEs that have the ambition to grow, develop and internationalise through an innovation project with a European dimension, high risk and business potential. The programme is developed in two phases. Phase 1 consists of the elaboration of a detailed Business Plan. Phase 2 consists of obtaining a prototype, demonstrator or pilot project close to the market.

11 of the 31 projects selected in FTI 2015 have Spanish participation
Fast Track innovation is an initiative within the framework of H2020 that provides funding for near-market, business-driven projects. Proposals can be framed in any technological area as long as they foster cooperation between the...
The Basque budget for public aid to boost the business fabric for 2016 will be €437.5 million.
This budget is 2.3% higher than last year and the Basque Government's Minister for Economic Development and Competitiveness, Arantxa Tapia, stressed in November that we cannot sleep, we must continue to promote the economic fabric of this country, not only the industrial but also trade, tourism and the primary sector and highlighted the need to improve their technology, the level that allows each of them to be positioned among the best, promoting R&D actions and helping our companies with different tools, subsidies and lines of financing.

Eurostars, a financing opportunity for R&D projects among SMEs
The Eurostars call for proposals has been launched with the aim of helping small and medium-sized enterprises to develop innovative products, services and/or processes so that they can be introduced and commercialised on the market and thus boost the competitiveness of the European business fabric. These grants are promoted by the Eureka initiative and the European Commission through Horizon 2020. The call will be open until 18 February 2016 and is presented in 2 phases.
ICO increases global Fondico to €1.5 billion
Due to the good performance of the Fondico Global fund of funds two years ago, ICO has decided to increase the FOND-ICO Global endowment by €300M, from €1,200M to €1,500M.
H2020 Grants for the e-health sector 2016- 2017
As we have already mentioned in previous posts, the e-health sector is a sector with a lot of potential that is receiving support from investors. In the last year several Spanish e-health companies such as Psios, TopDoctors and IglobalMed have received funding in the sector and we would like to share them with you.
Gaitek: aid for Basque companies wishing to develop new products or new technology-based companies
Do you need help to develop new products or launch your technology-based company? Spri, the Basque business development agency, provides grants for this type of project. The 2015 call was open between February and March. We can help you to participate in the 2016 call.
Who can be beneficiaries of the H2020 SME instrument?
On 25 November the h2020 SME instrument programme closes, an accelerator programme for SMEs with the aim of introducing innovative products and services with high growth potential into the market. The programme is carried out in two phases, the first to explore and analyse the technical feasibility and market potential and the second is aimed at final prototyping, miniaturisation, demonstration, piloting, validation and market adaptation.
Iberoeka Spain-Mexico bilateral call of CDTI and CONACYT will be opened soon.
The CDTI of the Government of Spain and the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) of the Government of Mexico signed a Collaboration Agreement in 2008 with the aim of promoting industrial, technological and scientific cooperation between companies and research centres in both countries. grants for cloud computing solutions for SMEs
RED.ES will open a call in January 2016 to increase the supply of software solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter, "SMEs") in Software as a Service (SaaS) mode, by companies in the information technology and communications sector, improving their competitiveness and positioning in the commercialisation of these solutions.

CDTI-Iberoeka :Cuarta convocatoria bilateral Argentina – España para la financiación de proyectos empresariales de desarrollo e innovación tecnológica
The CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) of Spain and the MINCyT (Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation) of the Argentine Republic invite proposals for projects involving effective collaboration in technological development and innovation between companies from both countries in all sectors of industry.