Mahou San Miguel has reached a pre-agreement to acquire the 74% of the Valencian distribution company Cermadis. This purchase is the 7th in the last 6 years. Here is a brief summary of the acquisitions made by Mahou in recent years.
M&A media: Prisa buys Carvajal solutions to strengthen its presence in the education sector and Cairo launches a takeover bid for Unidad editorial.
Spanish media group Prisa bought the education business of Colombian group Carvajal in Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico and Ecuador for around €16.8M. Prisa buys Carvajal's education business In 2015 Prisa sold 56% of...

Prosegur goes shopping: Miv Gesión, Dognaedis and SBV Services
Prosegur has gone shopping in 2016 and so far this year has made 3 acquisitions, to strengthen its cybersecurity division, a market it entered in 2014, to enter South Africa, a new market where it had no activity, and to strengthen the market for valuable goods.
Corporate operations in the field of education in Spain: Busuu and International School BCN
After Linkedin's macro purchase of Lynda, an online training and video tutorials platform, for $1,500M, it seems that transactions in the education sector have been growing with new technologies as the main protagonist. In Spain, although we have not yet seen any large deals, we have seen some transactions in the education sector over the last year.
Acquisitions in the food sector: Portobello Capital and Ebro Foods
Portobello Capital is once again interested in the food sector and buys the Murcian company Ramón Sabater. In addition, Ebro Food, which is pursuing a policy of expansion through acquisitions, has bought the French company Celnat. Portobello buys the Murcian Ramón Sabater...
Roca buys Turkish company NSK
After several years in which the Roca Group had to carry out a policy of restructuring and adjustment, in 2014 it returned with force by buying 6 companies to grow internationally and now we have learned that it has bought the Turkish company NSK, a Turkish faucet company whose main client is Ikea.
M&A as a way to grow internationally: Seidor
Seidor, a Catalan company dedicated to providing IT services such as SAP, has decided to make the leap to the US and buy two companies: Crystal Clear Business and Quantum Software. This is yet another sign that Spanish ICT companies are going strong and are going all out, competing in the international market.
M&A forecasts in Spain for 2015
2014 has been a very important year for M&A in Spain, with operations reaching an investment of €79,500M, a figure not reached since 2007, and large operations by corporations, which had been years without buying to restructure their balance sheet. Although there is still a long way to go, it seems that 2015 will be the year of the consolidation of M&A in Spain, and will have these trends as protagonists.

Strong growth of technologies in the tourism sector.
The use of new technologies in the tourism sector has many advantages when it comes to saving costs and reaching end customers. In recent years, several companies have been created in the sector that have been able to grow thanks to the support of investors who have seen an opportunity in the sector, and it is expected that this trend will continue to grow in the coming years.
Acquisitions in the field of energy efficiency technologies
Según un informe realizadp por Logic- Fin, el numero de fusiones y adquisiciones en el sector está creciendo paulatinamente en los últimos años, si bien en el 2008 tan solo se realizó una adquisición, en lo que llevamos de año 2014 se han llegado a realizar 5. Nets...
M&A deals in biotech companies in Spain are on the rise
Biotech companies in Spain are becoming more attractive to corporate investors. In some sectors, integration processes are taking place, such as that of Grifols. In other cases, the stock market is becoming an alternative for the biotechnology sector.
Investment analysis in the Machine Learning sector
"Machine learning is attracting a lot of interest from tech giants, who are spending a lot of money and effort to hire the best machine learning researchers. Companies in the sector are aware of this and are making a...