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Sirakoss is acquired by Ossdsign

Sirakoss is acquired by Ossdsign

SIRAKOSS, was in the Epidarex portfolio, is a Scottish-based medical device company developing synthetic bone graft substitutes. It is an innovative medical device company that develops synthetic bone graft substitutes...

Idinvest Partners: Investors in Industrial Manufacturing

Idinvest Partners: Investors in Industrial Manufacturing

Idinvest Partners is a European private equity manager focused on the middle and lower mid-market segments. With more than €6 billion under management, the firm has developed several complementary areas of expertise, including equity investments in private equity and private equity funds...

WISeKey and its acquisitions

WISeKey and its acquisitions

WISeKey is a cybersecurity company that uses blockchain, artifical intelligence, IoT and security technologies to prevent bank card and transaction fraud. WISeKey's mergers and acquisitions enable its clients to adapt to a new...

NVent and its 2 new acquisitions

NVent and its 2 new acquisitions

NVent is a €2.2 billion London-based high performance electrical company with a team of 9,400 people. NVent is a leading global provider of electrical protection and connection solutions. The company...

Wilson Allen acquires Capensys

Wilson Allen acquires Capensys

Founded in 2008, Capensys is a trusted provider of technology and security training solutions to law firms and corporate legal departments for clients in the US, Canada, the UK and Australia, and helps companies to...

SaaS: Leading investment companies

SaaS: Leading investment companies

Actualmente es un mercado joven y con una buena proyección para el futuro. En posts anteriores conocimos el concepto de SaaS, por lo que en éste distinguiremos la figura del Saas de otras similares como pueden ser Paas e IaaS y daremos a conocer  los inversores más...

SaaS: SalesForce acquires Vlocity

SaaS: SalesForce acquires Vlocity

En este post, se analizarán una de las operaciones de M&A más relevantes llevadas a cabo en el sector Software as a Service. Se trata de la reciente adquisición de Vlocity por parte de Salesforce, una de las empresas líderes del sector. Esta compra...

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