Funding rounds in the mobile payments industry
Diego Gutiérrez
Funding rounds in the mobile payments industry
Companies offering mobile payments have grown in popularity in recent years, with a study in the US claiming that 48% of the population is interested in this form of payment, up from 27% last year. This is one of the reasons why this sector is very active in terms of investment and corporate transactions. In the last few years, 290 investors have completed 172 rounds worth 739M$.

Companies that have received the most rounds in the sector

Ensygniathe mobile scan-to-pay platform, has received 6 financing roundsall of which have been seed rounds, raising a total of $6.4M, which is the largest of its kind in the world. investors that have opted for this London company founded in 2012 are: WayraRichard H HarrisMatt Deacon, Kevin Taylor, Gillian Kerr, Richard Gillingham, Guy Swarbrick, Robert Swain and Colin Maltby.

Ensygnia is followed by  Binu, Validity Sensors and Tabbed Out with 5 and Device Fidelity with 4.

Number of rounds per year

Since 2010 the number of rounds per year is growing considerably, from 2012 to 2013 it has grown by 65%, from 32 operations in 2012 to 53 in 2013.In 2014 up to the month of April, more than 10 operations have been carried out, maintaining a good pace of activity.

Type of rounds

The 61% of the extensions have been carried out by rounds Business angels and venture capital are less present, with 13 and 5 operations respectively. Within the venture capital rounds, the majority are series A and B rounds, with only one E and one D round.

"This shows us that it is still a very new sector, with start-ups but it is gaining strength and popularity and investors want to bet on it," says Diego Gutierrez, an expert in alternative financing of the group. Abra Invest.

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