Wearable technology, driven by venture capital in 2013
Diego Gutiérrez
Wearable technology, driven by venture capital in 2013

Wearable technology, has secured funding in 2013 in the amount of $248M of venture capital isin a total of 49 deals. The number of rounds for wearable technology startups has increased by 150% and the volume of investment by 80%.


Companies that are contributing to this achievement

Jawbonewhich has made a name for itself thanks to its wristbands, both for monitoring physical activity and sleep, received in September 2013 its 8 financing round by the hand of Andressen HorrowitzKlosla VenturesKleiner Perkins Caufield & buyers and Sequoia Capital . With this round $279M of investment raised.

Basis Sciencea company specialising in smartwatches, has been purchased by Intel for $100M in March 2014.

"Since its inception in 2011, Basis Science had received 3 financing rounds $11.8M in November 2013," says Diego Gutierrez, the group's alternative finance expert. Abra Invest.

Rounds in early stage companies 

Most rounds in the wearable technology sector are rounds in early stage, seed or series A and B companies, an example of an early stage company being Thalmic Labs.

Thalmic Labs has revolutionised the world with its Myo bracelet, which controls gadgets through movement. Founded in 2012 has closed 2 roundsthe latest of 1TP2Q14.5M from the hand of Sperk capitalIntel Capital and Funderclub.

Venture capital in advanced rounds is still quite scarce, not even reaching 10% of deals. "This may be due to the fact that the wearable technology sector is still in its infancy, so over time it seems that this trend will change and larger rounds in the sector will increase," says Diego Gutierrez.


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