M&A Advisors

Tech M&A Advisory Area


in advisory services

for technology companies

Baker Tilly's competence centre for
Corporate Finance and Advisory for European
tech companies

Search for investors and capital increase

Companies in the growth phase.

Business Valuation

The valuation of a company is a fundamental tool for buying and selling.

Alternative Financing

A set of financial markets and instruments that do not come from traditional banking.

Value Growth Advisory

Structured and prioritised action plan to create value in the medium term. 

Corporate Venturing

Profitable growth for companies in partnership with the

M&A advisory specialising in the technology sector

Baker Tilly Tech M&A Advisors es un centro de competencia de la actividad Mergers & Acquisition (Fusiones y Adquisiciones) y de Corporate Finance miembro independiente de Baker Tilly International.

The mission of Baker Tilly Tech M&A is to make Baker Tilly an international benchmark in M&A advisory and Corporate Finance services for the mid-market.

Baker Tilly Tech M&A Advisors strengthens the joint work of BakerTilly's international offices by offering our clients a global and multidisciplinary vision among all the teams involved in an M&A process.


M&A transactions

advised by BT globally


for technology companies


dedicated to M&A in EMEA


in the world ranking

of M&A companies in 2023

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M&A news

Request for information

If you want to buy or sell a company, or need more information about our services, do not hesitate to contact us through the form.

Or if you prefer, call us:

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