New funds in December: Charme, Aina II, Mediterrania, DCN, Mondragón
Diego Gutiérrez
New funds in December: Charme, Aina II, Mediterrania, DCN, Mondragón

Find out about the new venture capital and venture capital funds that have emerged in the month of December and all related information: size, commitments, objective, promoters,...

Find out about the new venture capital and venture capital funds that have emerged in the month of December and all related information: size, commitments, objective, promoters,...

Charme Capital Partners readies its new €650M European fund

The background Charme Capital Partners finalises the final closing of its new venture capital vehicle in Europe, which will arrive by the end of the year with an amount close to €650M. This amount far exceeds the initial target of €250m, with commitments of €400m.

The objective of this new fund is to invest in mid-sized European companies, with Spain, Italy and the UK as priority targets, with a valuation of €100M to €500M and strong growth potential. One of the investees of this new investment vehicle is Igenomix, a world leader in the development of genetic fertility tests. Its limited partners include family offices and industrial investors.


Aina Hospitality and Edmund de Rothschild launch Aina II

Aina Hospitalitya management company specialising in the hotel sector and promoted by the large asset management group Edmund de RothschildThe company plans to invest €600m with its second fund, which will target four-star superior and five-star hotels. The two entities have set up a joint venture to promote investment funds in the hotel sector every three years.

Fundraising will start in September and run for a year and a half, with a first closing window in March 2018. It aims to reach €300M and double its capacity to €600M with leverage. While in its first fund, Aina I, the minimum entry investment was €1M, for Aina II there is no set ticket, although it is expected to be higher. The return of Aina II will be close to 12% per annum and will extend its scope to 35 European cities, including countries outside the eurozone such as the UK, Switzerland and Scandinavia.


Mediterrania Capital Partners raises €103M for third African fund

The venture capital manager Mediterrania Capital Partners (MCP) is now ready to launch its third fund specialising in small and medium-sized companies in the Maghreb. Unlike the two previous vehicles, Mediterrania Capital III (MC III) will also invest in Egypt, Senegal, Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire, in addition to Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. The new fund already has €103m committed, slightly more than the €100m initially planned. Mediterrania expects to complete this vehicle by December 2018 with €250M. MC III will carry out eight to twelve transactions of €10M to €30M, in key sectors in North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, such as healthcare, consumer goods, finance, education, transport and logistics.

DCN registers its biomedicine fund Dosbio50 with the CNMV

The Valencian firm Decenes Mecenes (DCN) ha registrado ante la CNMV el fondo de capital riesgo Dosbio50 Life Science & Health Care Venture Capital Investments, que prevé gestionar más de €40M para invertir en proyectos de capital semilla y/o capital deesarrollo del sector de la biomedicina. Dosbio50 será gestionado por su administrador único, la gestora de DCN, que recibió en abril la pertinente autorización de la CNMV y está presidida por Lucas Martínez Clar y participada en un 5,49% por la sociedad de inversión valenciana Realiza Business Angels.

Throughout its ten years of existence, Realiza Business Angels has made a total of 17 investments in the Life Science sector (health sciences) with Artax Biopharma, Imegen, BioncoTech, Universal Diagnostics and the aforementioned Dosbio50; digital technology with Jugo, 50Tresdigital, Encom, Beroomers, Nextail and Weplan; as well as Soluble Film Packaking and Consultia Travel. It has also divested SFP, Corporate Channels, Geothermal Energy and Photomiracle.


Clave Mayor and Corporación Mondragón launch €15M fund for spin-outs

The Mondragon Corporation ha lanzado «Mondragón Fondo de Promoción F.C.R.», ya inscrito en la CNMV, operativo y gestionado por la firma de capital riesgo Major Key. Se trata de un nuevo vehículo de inversión de ‘spin-outs’ que tiene como objetivo apoyar la transferencia tecnológica de proyectos de base tecnológica e innovadora del sector industrial, salud y energía que provengan principalmente de la propia Corporación.

The fund, closed with commitments of €15 million, also has the participation of FOND-ICO Global FCR, and the venture capital companies of the Basque and Navarre Governments, as well as the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. The investment vehicle will invest over the next 6 years in 30 companies with less than two years of life, remaining between 4 and 5 years in each of the investees and allocating up to €500,000 to each of them.


Genesis Ventures, a new biomedical investment fund, is born

Genesis Ventures, un nuevo fondo de inversión ubicado en Barcelona e integrado por varias family offices, apostará por proyectos de investigación y empresariales en fase muy temprana del ámbito de la biomedicina: terapéutica, diagnóstico, dispositivos médicos, salud digital, entre otros. Su objetivo es ayudar a los emprendedores a alcanzar el valor necesario de su investigación para, posteriormente, atraer la primera ronda de inversión de fondos corporativos o capital riesgo (Series A). El nuevo fondo tendrá un tamaño cercano a los €610.000 y espera realizar un total de ocho operaciones hasta octubre de 2019.

Eneko Knörr launches Pheidon, specialising in bitcoins

Eneko Knörr, apoyado por un equipo de expertos en blockchain y criptomonedas procedentes de Silicon Valley, Singapur y España, ha lanzado Pheidon, un fondo que empezará a operar en 2018 y está todavía pendiente de recibir la aprobación de la CNMV. El fondo pretende facilitar la inversión en Bitcoin ya que, según Knörr, «hace tiempo que veo en España un gran interés en invertir en Bitcoin, pero no es fácil: los pequeños ahorradores encuentran el proceso muy complicado, y las grandes fortunas no tienen ningún fondo desde el que invertir».

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