Microwave and Civeta enter the publishing world by investing in "La Communitat".
Diego Gutiérrez
Microwave and Civeta enter the publishing world by investing in "La Communitat".
The new digital newspapers are competing to fill the gap left by the big media groups as information and communication media on the Internet. The Community has closed a round with the aim of financing ".Mediazines".an interactive magazine kiosk launched in January. April saw the birth of Sabemos, a digital newspaper with €2M of investment. The newspaper The SpanishPedro J, has already captured more than €3.6M from 5,000 shareholders before leaving.

"La Communitat" receives funding round

The Community is a digital newspaper with 12 interactive magazines on different topics, which had a turnover of €75,000 in 2014, when it only had one magazine. This figure is 30% higher than in 2013.

The funding round was used to finance the launch of its new interactive magazines, which were launched in January.

In addition to Civet Investment and Microwave have also participated in the round with private investors such as Carlos Calve, Quim Filgueras, founder of Delta Partners and Joan Ignasi Cifré.

""The Community"has just closed its first round but is already planning to close another in June with the aim of entering Mexico and expanding into the US and Latin America," says Diego Gutiérrez from ABRA-INVEST.

"We Know" attracts €2M in investment

"We know' has received €2M from private investors who did not want to disclose their identity".SabemosDigital"is a digital newspaper led by Gimeno de Priede, co-founder of A3 media. It was launched in April 2015 and aims to position itself as a second reading after the mainstream media with "different stories".

The new digital will be directed by Miguel Ángel Uriondo, who has worked for Actualidad Económica, La Gaceta de los Negocios and Europa Press. He will be accompanied on the editorial staff by other journalists, such as José Luis Lorente, David Page, Raul Masa, Ana Tudela and Eduardo González.

"El Español" (Spanish) raises large investment before it is born

 "El Español" is Pedro J's new digital newspaper, which has not yet been born and has already raised €3.6M thanks to an equity crowdfunding operation. This operation has set two records. It has been the largest equity crowdfunding operation in the press sector worldwide. It was also the largest investment round in Spain in a startup so far in 2015.

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