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China breaks record for investment in US technology

Emerging countries, led by China and India, are increasingly investing in developed country companies. In 2013, China invested $855M in 36 investment deals. The acquisition of cutting-edge technologies to apply in their domestic markets is one of the reasons why Chinese investors are acquiring technology startups in the US.

CDTI: 2013 funding news

The CDTI's role as a lever to mobilise private investment alongside public R&D funding has been key during the first half of 2013. New developments include agreements with private investors, foreign governments and new lines of support.

Andalusia has 4 new venture capital funds for SMEs

The Andalusian innovation agency signed last week the contracts for financial intermediation services with the 4 venture capital managers that won the tender of the EU initiative JEREMIE in October. The winning managers are four well-known venture capital firms in Spain: Avindia, Axon, Alta Partners and Gedsur.