How much capital did Spanish venture capital raise in 2013?
Diego Gutiérrez
How much capital did Spanish venture capital raise in 2013?
During 2013, the following have been captured funds 1,346m, a decrease of 33% compared to 2012. Fortunately, the outlook for 2014 and beyond is improving with the emergence of FOND-ICO Global which aims to attract €3 billion over the next four years.

Featured funds in 2013

According to data from ASCRI, 1,346M was raised in 2013 as "new funds", of which €864M was application of funds 312m raised by private venture capital and the remainder (€170m) by national public operators.

We can highlight the first closures of Seaya Capital (40M€), of Axon Amerigo Ventures (€40m), of Adara Ventures II, from Inveready Venture e Inveready Biotechof Mediterranea Capital and Institut Catalá de Finances (20M€).

FOND-ICO Global: hope for 2014 and beyond

Although this figure is still very small, FOND-ICO Global's contribution to fundraising will start to be felt in 2014, with €189M having been awarded to 6 operators (3 expansion capital) through a tender process at the end of December: Corpfin Capital Advisors, Diana Capital, Portobelo Capital Management  and 3 from Venture Capital Adara Ventures Partners II, Ambar Capital and Sum Capital). The second tender is scheduled for the end of February and the next one for the summer. Fond-ICO Global aims to inject around €1.2 billion in Spanish Venture Capital between 2014 and 2017 in around 40 fund managers with a "drag" effect on other investors, estimated at another €1.8 billion.

"The aim is to follow the Israeli model of promoting the venture capital sector and the creation of high-growth potential companies. In Germany, too, public-private partnerships such as the High-Tech fund are working very well. Gründerfonds the most active in Europe during the first quarter of 2013. In this case, the participation of large corporations such as Daimler has worked very well, Deutsche Post and Deutsche Telekom among others 14 "says Diego Gutierrez, corporate finance expert at Abra Invest.

Announcement of new fund-raising

The launch of FOND-ICO has allowed many fund managers to take the first step in announcing the raising of new funds. Funds such as Corpfin Capital, Portobello or Diana Capital are in the process of fundraising and others have announced that they will be in the process of raising funds soon, such as TEA and Black Toro Capital, which has announced its intention to set up a fund 500 million. In international funds, several fund managers have announced the creation of new funds. funds important, such as HIG European Capital GroupCVC, which closed a new €825 million fund in 2013 to invest in Europe, part of which will be used for acquisitions in Spain, and CVC, which with its sixth fund totalling €10.6 billion is the third largest fund raised in Europe. 

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