Venture capital drives digital marketing tools
Diego Gutiérrez
Venture capital drives digital marketing tools
The elimination of geographical barriers, as well as new technologies applied to production processes and increased competition, are creating an increasingly demanding customer. Companies face two challenges: to know what their customers' real needs are and to reach them. In order to help them in this task, numerous online marketing companies have appeared, many of them driven by the venture capital.

Online marketing companies that have received several rounds


The venture capital is wanted to participate both in the companies that work to find out, through data analysis, what the real needs of customers are, and in the companies that work to find out, through data analysis, what the real needs of customers are. Dataxu and Datalogixand companies looking for the best way to reach out to potential customers like ExactTarget Marketing Cloud.

Dataxu, a Boston-based company, uses data analysis software to build optimal marketing plans for each brand, enabling companies to understand their customers and optimally manage their marketing efforts. investments in Marketing . Dataxu has received since its inception in 2009, 4 financing roundsThe last one, $10M, was held in February 2014, in which the following participated  Atlas Venture Flybridge, Capital PartnersMenlo Ventures and Thomvest Ventures.

Datalogix, helps the company to lead the best online marketing strategy according to its characteristics. Datalogix has also received 2 rounds of funding, the latest of which was a $25M round led by Costanoa Venture CapitalGeneral Catalyst PartnersInstitutional Venture Partners and Sequel Venture Partners.
Exact Marketing cloud is focused on building positive customer relationships through relevant emails, social marketing management optimising twitter and Facebook ads and mobile marketing management. 

The company has received numerous rounds of funding, the latest in 2011, a $30M round, participated in by Scale Venture Partners, Greenspring AssociatesTechnology Crossover Ventures and Battery Ventures .

"In addition Exact Marketing Cloud was bought by for $3.5B in September last year. Previously, it had made acquisitions in the sector, such as Pardot or mPath Global"comments Diego Guiterrez , an expert in alternative financing. Baker Tilly

Corporate movements in the sector in Spain

In Spain, too, there have been several operations in the sector in recent years, Plenummediaa company dedicated to marketing consultancy, SEO, SEM, web and mobile, received last September 2013 a €5M round of funding from the hand of Seaya Ventures with the aim of accelerating the company's expansion in Spain and Mexico.

"Plenummedia was also in the limelight last year because of the acquisitions in just a few months, it bought the companies Digital Click MediaSocial Media FactoryWebactiva and Relevant Traffic "says Diego Guiterrez, alternative finance expert at Baker Tilly.

Matrix search, the Girona-based startup specialising in search engine positioning solutions, has been acquired this year by InsequentThe deal is valued at $$3.2M, the Silicon Valley technology company led by Mark Porter, and will see Matrix become part of the US technology company.

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