Content "Curation" receives 18M from venture capital
Diego Gutiérrez
Content "Curation" receives 18M from venture capital
With the growth of content marketing, the software market has created several tools for what is known as content curation. According to our research we have identified more than 30 tools, of which only 8 have received venture capital backing for a total amount of $18M.

The market for content curation tools.

Content curation is the art of knowing how to search, filter, select and distribute quality content on the Internet on a specific subject that you are a specialist in, with care, criteria and personal stamp and, if possible, with the added incentive of being content that lasts over time in order to contribute to collective knowledge.

Given the time-consuming nature of this task and the importance of content marketing, especially for knowledge-intensive companies, the market has developed several tools that make content curation easier and more agile.

Trapit: $9M to discover, generate and deliver content to your audiences

Trapit, Palo Alto-based startup, founded in 2010, has received a total of $9M since the beginning of its activity, with the most relevant venture capital being from Horizons Ventures. According to the specialist press, it is the tool that best allows you to monetise the generation of content and the one that is best prepared to recommend relevant content to the user due to the learning capacity it offers. $2.6M to create your own thematic channel

Also incorporated in 2010 and based in San Francisco, Scoopit received 2.6M in July 2013 from venture capitalists Partech VenturesElaia Partners, IXO Private EquityOrkos Capital.

It is a content publishing platform that combines capture and semantic technology on more than 10 million domains allowing users to discover, enrich and share content related to their preferred topic.

Etalia: 3.5M to create your personalised newspaper

Created in 2011 in Lugano it has received $3,5M for its development from unpublished investors. It is a free web platform based on a brilliant technology able to deliver personalised newspapers, perfectly tailored to the reader's interests.

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If you would like to know more, or think we could help you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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