US Venture Capital 2013 at highest levels since 2008
Diego Gutiérrez
US Venture Capital 2013 at highest levels since 2008
Después de 3 años consecutivos de crecimiento en el número de operaciones de «Private equity«, en el 2013 ha caído un 14%. A pesar de ello, el capital invested has grown to a post-crisis high of $426bn thanks to 13 large deals (>2.5bn$). These include the two largest deals since 2008 by corporate investors: Dell by $24,5Bn and Heinz by 1TP2Q23.2Bn. The pace of investment has grown quarter on quarter, reaching in the third quarter the highest levels since 2008.




What are we looking forward to in 2014 in the USA?

Expectations for 2014 are positive, as firms in the private equity still maintain high levels of liquidity and the outlook for fund raising remains improving, which will generate the need to put money to work. In addition, a number of deals in excess of $1Bn have been announced and are expected to close during 2014 with several more in the auction process. Many of the deals expected in 2014 are expected to come from spin-offs of large corporations or stakes in financial institutions as a result of compliance with new regulations.

«A nivel económico general en España, el 2014 será el primer año de una recuperación lenta pero progresiva y, por lo tanto, se consolidará sobre todo en 2015 y 2016. La economía española ha ganado en competitividad (aumento de la productividad, reducción del coste laboral unitario, aumento de las exportaciones y reducción de las importaciones…). Para el Venture Capital, los años 2014 a 2016 deberían ser años muy positivos, aunque para que el número de operaciones crezca con fuerza es necesario que el crédito se recupere» comenta Diego Gutierrez experto de financiación alternativa de Abra Invest.

Money for growth and operational improvements

Growth equity deals or minority stakes have been popular in 2013, accounting for 23% of total deals. Private equity continues to focus on growing its portfolio of investees and, as a reflection of this, the number of private equity transactions in 2013 was buyout as enlargement has increased accounting for 53% of total buyouts.

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