Analysis of the top 3 reward crowdfunding platforms in Spain
Diego Gutiérrez
Analysis of the top 3 reward crowdfunding platforms in Spain

In Spain there are more than 70 crowdfunding platforms, and in the last year the growth of this method of financing has been spectacular, el ‘crowdfunding’ 30 million in Spainmore than double that of the previous year. The following is an analysis of the 3 most popular crowdfunding platforms in Spain, differentiating them by type of platform: investment, reward lending and donation.


Reward platforms: Verkami, Ulule and Lanzanos

Reward platforms, where in exchange for your donation you receive a consideration in the form of a service, product or experience, are the most numerous, accounting for 41.4% of all platforms in 2013.


 Verkami is the alternative to traditional funding models for artists, creators and fashion designers in Spain.

 Founded in 2010, it has reached finance 2464 projects thanks to 315250 contributors, who have raised a total of €12M through small contributions, €38 on average.

The firm is growing considerably and last year alone funded a total of 953 campaigns, 61% more than in 2012, raising €5M.


Ulule is the first platform for crowdfunding European, which operates in more than 130 countries, including Spain.

Ulule, founded in Paris in 2010, has financed 6,161 projects since its creation, it has raised a total of 21M€ with contributions from 434,213 people. Defined as a platform for indie projects.

This platform is also on a growth trend and if in 2013 it managed to raise €7M, so far in 2014 it has raised a total of €9.5M.

 Launch us

Founded in 2010, Launch us  was the first Crowdfunding platform in Spain, also dedicated to creative ideas and projects, with more than 222,000 users and €3M raised, it received a round of funding in 2013 of €250,000 led by Yago Arbeloa.


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We are currently preparing a report on the current state of crowdfunding as an alternative means of financing. If you are interested in receiving this report, leave us your email address and we will send it to you once it has been prepared.

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