Diego Gutiérrez

Trioteca, a Catalan start-up that offers digital services for taking out a mortgage, has just closed its first €1m round to consolidate its growth in the mortgage sector and expand its portfolio of services.

Since 1 June, the signing of a mortgage loan in Spain has changed considerably. Individuals, whether consumers or not, will see their rights improve and will assume some additional obligations when mortgaging a residential property.



That is why, Trioteca was born in January 2018 with the aim of helping people understand everything they sign and make the best decision, and basing its service on provide users with a mortgage comparatorThe average consumer is provided with transparent information and an accompanying process after the signing of the mortgage.

The company's business is supported by the commission they get from the 37 banks The customer does not have to bear any additional costs.

To reach this point, the firm has three levels of attention:

  • Information accessible from its website
  • A bot that answers basic questions addressed to it by the user.
  • The personalised attention of a professional on the other end of the phone.

It is also a company with two added values:

  • Quality human interaction
  • The speed of the process.

Currently, Trioteca has more than 1,000 consumers who have either already signed a mortgage or are negotiating with the bank the conditions for it.

Recently, it has been able to lift 1M€ in what has been its first round of financing. An operation that has counted on the participation of Lanai Partners, and Arnal, but also with the participation of Business Angels from various sectors.

The objectives of this capital injection are to consolidate its technological strength and capacity and to reinforce its media capacity.



Fintonic ha cerrado una nueva ronda de financiación con una inversión de 19 M€, tras la cual, la compañía en 160 millones. La operación ha sido liderada por ING Ventures, pero ha contado también con el respaldo de otros accionistas relevantes como el grupo PSN.

This is the Spain's leading personal finance applicationThe new system, which allows its users to better control their finances, meet their financing needs and make savings.

It is not only present in Spain, but also in Chile, where it has established itself as the leading finance app. In addition, it has just landed successfully in Mexico, opening offices in the country recently.


The Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), the second largest bank in M&A transactions-y-acquisitions-m-a/»>Españahas closed a loan using blockchain 150m with Europe's largest car distributor, Porsche Holding.

This transaction is the company's first blockchain lending transaction with a non-Spanish borrower.

Back in April, BBVA unveiled that it had become the first global bank to carry out an entire lending process using the blockchain, again in a partially private and partially public configuration.

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