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What is Microsoft investing in?

Microsoft made a total of 10 acquisitions in 2016. This deal is one of the largest ever closed in the technology sector and a sign of Microsoft's strategy: to move from the era of personal computers and services to artificial intelligence in all spheres, through cloud services and mobile devices. What other companies has it bought?

M&A in sausage companies to grow in the American market: Cañigueral and Espuña

"The United States is an interesting market for exporting sausages. Distribution is very fragmented, it is possible to sell at a price at which producers and distributors make money, and there are few Spanish exporters who have a long-term strategic plan to enter the USA. Moreover, there is a high sales potential because people want to eat different things".

Foreign investment in It outsourcing companies in Spain: Aubay buys castle

2015 has been a very active year in terms of acquisitions in the ICT sector. There have been operations of very high amounts such as the purchase of EMC by Dell for €67,000M. Spain has also been the protagonist of several acquisitions in the sector, one of the last purchases in the year was the purchase of Cast Info by the French company Aubay.

M&A in the tourism IT sector: Amadeus leads in buyouts

Amadeus, which has traditionally offered solutions for airlines, has invested more than €1.2 billion since 2013 in acquisitions to diversify its business and reduce its dependence on the airline business. In 2015, Amadeus acquired four companies to strengthen its position in the airport, hotel and travel agency travel sectors.