Squared Capital is an independent global infrastructure investment manager focused on energy, utilities, telecommunications and transportation in North America, Europe and selected high-growth economies...

Squared Capital is an independent global infrastructure investment manager focused on energy, utilities, telecommunications and transportation in North America, Europe and selected high-growth economies...
The purchase of Groupalia and Offerum by Ofertix and La Nevera Roja by Just Eat that we have seen this week are a clear example that in the world of startups you have to know the right time to buy in order to win. Both the online discount market and the food delivery market boomed a few years ago, many startups were created, some of them who wanted to win, decided to grow through acquisitions, paying quite high prices, now these markets can no longer grow more and other startups buy these companies at a much lower price.
According to a study conducted by TTR , in the third quarter of 2015 the volume of mergers and acquisitions in Mexico has grown by 62% compared to the same period last year. This is due to the fact that there have been several large deals of more than $500M.
According to an International TechTalk report, the technology industry generated $84,000M in mergers and acquisitions during the first quarter of 2015. Companies want to grow at a time when there is so much competition in the market. Below we detail the M&A operations that have had Spanish companies as protagonists in May.
Spanish companies go on a buying spree. In March, Grifols, Cisca, Suara and Percentil bought foreign companies in their sectors. In addition, foreign investors such as Klépierre and Carlos Slim have also shown interest in Spain.
In the month of March 2015, we highlight 5 purchase operations that have had Spanish companies as protagonists. One of them, Percentil has bought an international competitor. In addition, foreign corporations are taking an interest in Spain, Allot Communications has bought Optenet in the internet content filtering sector and Pixmania has bought Ooferton.
Basque companies are active. The industrial companies Jauregui and Teknia have gone on a buying spree to consolidate their customer portfolios. In addition, the beer company La Salve has received support from Mahou to build its own brewery in Bilbao. In addition...
Basque companies have been active in February 2015, with 5 mergers and acquisitions involving a Basque company, and 4 of them have involved foreign companies.
According to TTR, the Mexican transactional market has started 2015 with good figures, being the Latin American country with the highest number of transactions of more than $500M closed in January.
Las fusiones y fusiones y adquisiciones en nuestro país siguen creciendo llegando en Octubre a una cifra de 110 operaciones por un importe de €14868M. Esto supone un incremento del 5,77% en el número de operaciones y del 92,72% en el capital movilizado respecto al...
After several years of little movement in the Spanish aeronautical sector caused mainly by the crisis, 2013 saw a slight recovery. Nine purchase operations were carried out in our country, a number that triples the 3 operations carried out in 2011. In addition, the operations carried out last year were for quite high amounts.
According to TTR Record data, American investors are increasingly active in Latin America. Since 2012, the number of US investments in the country has gradually increased from 109 deals in 2012 to 140 in 2014. The number of divestments has also grown by 53% in the last two years, from 28 deals in the first half of 2012 to 60 in the first half of 2014.