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CDTI and CONCYTEC:Second Spain-Peru Bilateral Call for the Financing of Business Projects for Technological Development and Innovation

El CDTI (España) y el CONCYTEC (Perú, a través del FONDECYT), en el marco de su Acuerdo Institucional realizarán la «Segunda Llamada Bilateral de Colaboración Tecnológica Empresarial España-Perú» (2015.Fase I) y les invitan a presentar sus propuestas. Esta llamada permitirá seleccionar y financiar proyectos de I+D en colaboración entre empresas de ambos países.

What's new at the CDTI in 2014

What's new at the CDTI in 2014

In 2015 the CDTI expects to commit more than €900M in R&D&I projects. This represents an increase of 6% compared to 2014. From Abra-Invest we bring you the details of the CDTI's performance in 2014.

Impact of European R&D&I programmes in the energy sector

More than 600 energy projects have been supported by Europe in the 6th (2002-2006) and 7th (2007-2013) Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development. The success rate has been 20%. The area that has obtained the most funding is bioenergy, obtaining a total of €527M followed by energy efficiency and smart grids. The average funding rate has increased from 48% to 58% in the 7th FP due to the increase of the maximum rate for certain types of legal entities such as SMEs.

Grants for the Promotion of Technological Sectors of the Community of Madrid

The deadline to participate in the grants for the Promotion of Technological Sectors of the Community of Madrid, in the framework of the Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation (RIS3), within the Operational Programme of the Community of Madrid for the period 2014-2020, is now open. The deadline will be open for one month only.

Fast track to innovation (Fti-Pilot): launch of the 2015 programme

The call is open for the 6th H2020 challenge, fTI-Pilot, which aims to support the European economy by offering grants to innovative companies and organisations to enable them to bring innovative ideas to the market. It is the only challenge that is open to proposals in any area of technology or application.

Emprendetur Internationalisation

The call for applications for the Emprendetur international programme opens on 9 January for companies operating in the tourism sector whose exports do not exceed 40% of their turnover at the time of application.

H2020 calls in Bioeconomy

Next February, the H2020 calls will close under the second societal challenge: Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture, Marine and Maritime Research and Bioeconomy. Its objective is to ensure a sufficient supply of safe and high quality food and other bio-products through the development of productive and efficient primary production systems.

Beneficiaries Emprendetur I+D+I 2013

Emprendetur R&D&I is the programme that supports research, development and innovation applied to products and services in the tourism sector. The 2014-2015 call for applications will open soon, which is why we have decided to make an analysis of the beneficiaries in 2013.

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