Sngular, merger to offer integral and specialised projects, how?
Diego Gutiérrez
Sngular, merger to offer integral and specialised projects, how?
«La tecnología es hoy el gran habilitador de la transformación de las empresas, en un momento en el que el contexto, el mercado y los clientes evolucionan cada vez más rápido. Por eso, se necesita una mayor mezcla de disciplinas para abordar los retos de la economía digital y adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones» Vallejo, presidente y consejero de Sngular
What is Sngular?

Sngular is the result of the union of a group of highly specialised and at the same time complementary technology-based companies. Leading the group is MediaNet Software, a company that develops R&D projects and saw the need to provide its clients with more specialised services. The union of the companies has resulted in a group highly specialised in different technological areas, with 280 employees spread over 7 cities in 3 different countries, Spain, Mexico and the United States, with a consolidated turnover of more than €15M and with a powerful portfolio of clients such as BBVA, Banco Santander, PRISA, El Corte Inglés, Vodafone, Planet and Pfizeramong others.

Why did Medianet want to create Sngular and how did it do so?

The SNGULAR project, which is an unprecedented initiative in Spain, responds to Medianet's need to bring together highly specialised services in an increasingly complex digital market in order to be able to develop more complete and specialised projects at the same time, providing comprehensive solutions in the digital world. The companies that make up the group include big data, e-commerce, mobility, artificial intelligence, digital strategy, venture capital funds...

Medianet, which leads the group, integrates the other companies in exchange for a percentage of the shares. Therefore, no new financial partners or new temporary partners have been incorporated. It is a way of creating a large group without the need for much investment. Each company continues to have its own CEO and its own business.

 Companies that make up the group
The future of Sngular

Sngular plans to triple both its workforce and turnover in the next four years to 1,000 employees and €50m turnover by 2020.

Sngular also wants to grow internationally. Among their plans for the coming years, they want to enter three new Latin American and European countries. Currently they already operate in Mexico and the United States.

Recently, Sngular has incorporated Brainside, a company specialising in the development of virtual reality and 3D content, into its group, which until now was housed in the Andalucía Open Future crowdworking centre in Seville (El Cubo).
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