Sendabio with the help of Abra Invest closes investment round
Diego Gutiérrez
Sendabio with the help of Abra Invest closes investment round
In April 2015, the Basque biotechnology Sendabio has closed an investment round with an industrial partner. This capital injection will enable it to tackle its growth plan with the internationalisation of its products, initially in Latin America. Sendabio has been advised by Abra Invest for the successful completion of the operation.

Sendabio: food supplements with the active ingredient DHA

SendaBio, S.L., a company created at the end of 2012 for the research, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceutical and dietetic products, mainly food supplements with the active ingredient DHA, aims to be a national and international reference in the sector of food supplements based on DHA, as well as in secondary sectors comprising other types of products, such as food, clinical nutrition, pets, ......

The origin of the company comes from numerous investigations carried out over the last 15 years to achieve the purest and most bioavailable Omega 3 DHA on the market, currently having one of the best active ingredients based on DHA and the only one with minimum levels of phytanic acid, which allows it to have a greater impact on people's health and wellbeing.

SendaBio aims to develop, manufacture and market products based on its high added value DHA for application in the cardiovascular, neurology, ophthalmology, pregnancy and lactation, obesity and weight control, sports medicine, clinical nutrition, oncology,.....

Abra Invest has advised Sendabio on the transaction.

Guillermo Ibeas Alonso has been the Abra Invest partner in charge of leading the advice to Sendabio in the investor search process. Sendabio was looking for an investor that would not only provide financing for growth but could also support it with other synergies. In the end, the investor was a major industrial group that has backed Sendabio as part of its process of diversification for the penetration capacity of its products and its management team.

Julen Galarza leads the expert team managing Sendabio

Julen Galarza is the founder and CEO of Sendabio. Graduated from ETSII in Bilbao and trained through 5 specialised Masters, Julen has more than 20 years of international experience in companies such as Ribate, Ormazabal Group and ML Group.

Sendabio's team is a global team of experts in the development of pharmaceutical and dietetic products at national and international level, accumulating more than 20 years of experience in research and development, with an intellectual property result and international patent on PhA-free DHA, with more than 60 product innovations in biomedical, pharmaceutical and food applications.

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