Technology sectors showing signs of maturity in Spain
Diego Gutiérrez
Technology sectors showing signs of maturity in Spain
Spain occupies one of the top positions in the European Union in the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), with some 30,000 companies, mostly SMEs, with a total turnover of €104.3 billion. Among the technology sectors showing signs of maturity are telecommunications, discount coupon companies and food delivery companies.


Telecommunications sector

The telecommunications sector is undergoing a strong concentration process. In 2014 alone, €11.9 billion was invested in the sector, and the M&A transactions and acquisitions accounted for 24% of the total M&A activity in the sector.

Among the most talked-about operations is the purchase of Ono by Vodafone for €7.2 billion. With this purchase, Vodafone seeks to accelerate its unified communications business by bringing together the assets and capabilities of two companies with expertise in ultrafast fixed broadband and 4G.

Also in 2014, it was announced the intention of Orange to launch a takeover bid for Jazztelwhich is to be confirmed by Brussels and Telefónica purchased the 56% from Canal Plus.

Among the startups we have as a protagonist Masmovilwhich after the merger with Ibercom in March 2014, has made a large number of acquisitions, including the companies: Digital Valley Technologies, Quantum, Xtra Telecom, The pone House mobile, Embou, Yvilop and Neo.


Discount coupon companies

La crisis ha hecho que las empresas de cupones de descuento crezcan de forma acelerada, En España el negocio supera los 250M por trimestre y cuenta con una base de clientes que supera los 14M. Ante la gran cantidad de empresas en el sector, se están realizando M&A transactions y adquisciones, y de reinventando nuevas vías que hagan crecen el negocio.

Among the operations carried out were the merger of Gr0upalia with Offerum in March 2015. Together, they will create a group with an annual turnover of close to €60 million. which will be able to compete with Groupon España, a subsidiary of the leading US multinational in Spain.

LivingSocial who acquired the company in 2012, has sold LetsBonus to its Spanish management team and the Danish Bownty bought Yunait from Inveready in June 2014.


Food delivery companies

The food delivery sector is also starting to follow the trend that is already being seen in other countries such as the US and Germany. One of the signs that large operations are beginning to take place in this sector is the purchase of The Red Fridge  by Food Panda  €80M.




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