Round on Onna Technologies to expand its technology solution
Diego Gutiérrez
Round on Onna Technologies to expand its technology solution

The advantages of software as a service, SaaSOnna Technologies is focused on developing one. On the one hand, sophisticated business applications, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM), are available to companies without the resources to purchase, deploy and manage the necessary infrastructure and software. On the other hand, it is very easy to "mobilise" staff, as users have access to both these applications and data from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet. In addition, there is no need to bring in qualified staff to manage the security aspects of mobile computing.

One of the exponents of this technology is Onna Technologies.

We are talking about an American startup of Spanish origin based in San Francisco and Barcelona. It is dedicated to development of a SaaS tool that integrates with the main document sharing platforms (Google, Microsoft, Slack, Dropbox) and allows companies to automatically search, recognise and classify documents..

The company announced a few days ago that it has lifted $11Mled by the British venture capital fund Dawn Capitalwhose senior partner, Norman Fiore, will join Onna's board. They have also participated in the capital increase. Dropboxthe US Slack Fund and Nauta Capitalwhich was already a shareholder.

Onna Technologies will use the funds received from the financing round to expand its technological solution to cover a larger number of customers.

Other similar operations in the sector include:


Influencity is a software development company specialising in digital marketing, and more specifically, influencer marketing, that helps brands and agencies achieve greater online visibility and increased sales using influential people known as influencers.

On its way to becoming a global leader in SaaS technology, last February it was able to capture 2M€.


This Catalan company, supported by the K Fund, received in May 1M€ in the latest round of funding to boost the development of its opensource framework.

Hubtype helps large companies to communicate with their customers through messaging instant messaging through the use of applications that go beyond chatbots. It is already a fundamental tool for companies in sectors such as banking, e-commerce and insurance.


The Valencian company Mysphera closed a financing round of 2,5M€which was attended by Banc Sabadellthe manager Swanlaab Venture Factory and the venture capitalist Áliad.

With a presence in more than 45 hospitals, the objectives of this operation are clear: to consolidate its leadership position in Spain and to undertake its international expansion plans in Europe, North America and Latin America.

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