Oryzon genomics floats on the MAB
Diego Gutiérrez
Oryzon genomics floats on the MAB

Oryzon Genomics is now listed on the MAB, reinforcing the biotech market, which is the largest listed on the MAB. Of the 33 companies listed on the MAB, 8 are active in the biotechnology sector.


Oryzon Genomics' listing on the MAB

 It was floated on the Mab on Monday 14 December, through a listing process at a price of 3.39 euros per share.

Shares in biotech company Oryzon soared 32% on its debut on the Continuous Market on Monday, as it hit a price of 4.49 euros per share, compared to the 3.39 euros set at its initial public offering, and subsequently the gain soared to almost 55% after touching 5.25 euros.

Oryzon's debut on the stock market is the end of a long career, as we have already mentioned in previous posts, the company had been considering different possibilities for some time, such as going public on the MAB or the Nasdaq. Finally, they have decided to consolidate in the continuous market, after a capital increase of €16.5M and then move to the American market.

The company specialises in epigenetics for oncology and neurodegenerative diseases. Its revenues depend on the scientific milestones it achieves. For example, while in 2013 the company's turnover was 43,786 euros, in 2014 it shot up to 13.1 million euros after signing an agreement with the multinational Roche for its drug ORY-1001. This year, the company will reach a turnover of 3.5 million euros after achieving a scientific milestone within the agreement with the Swiss group.

The biotechnology sector on the MAB

After 2 years in which no biotech company had been listed on the MAB, 2015 has been the year of recovery of the sector with the incorporation of 2 companies, Neol Bio and the recently mentioned Oryzon genomics.

Among the 8 companies listed on the MAB, the size of capitalisation varies widely, ranging from companies such as Euroespes which has a market capitalisation size of €4M to companies such as Oryzon which has a market capitalisation size of €96M.

Euroespes is a Galician company, the first private company dedicated exclusively to the research, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the central nervous system (CNS).

EuroEspespes, obtained in 2014 an EBITDA of €454,000, 78% more than the previous year. According to the data submitted to the MAB, last year the company's gross margin improved by 12.7% on a turnover of €2.57M and the net result was six times higher than in 2013.

In terms of share price, the recently mentioned Euroespes is the company that has grown the most in 2015. Bionaturis is the company whose capitalisation fell the most in 2015, by 48%.

In November , Bionaturis announced  that the Board of Directors of the company unanimously resolved to rescind in its entirety the resolution of capital increase adopted at its meeting of 14 May 2015.

Bionaturis is currently looking for alternatives to finance the acquisition of the pharmaceutical CMO it intended to acquire.

 This week we have known that (CDTI) has awarded Bionaturis through the Eurostars programme, a grant of 184,847.40€ for its participation in the CERVI PRO initiative.

Another MAB biotech company, Inkemia, has been in the news these days for acquiring two families of patents derived from the "2G Biofuel" project. The patents are related to the development of second-generation biofuels and new biofuels for industrial boilers Heating BioOil

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