Investment opportunities in Spain: IT
Diego Gutiérrez
Investment opportunities in Spain: IT
The IT investment sector remains the most active sector in terms of deals. But some aspects are changing: new segments, other types of investors, etc. Let's take a look at our analysis.



10% growth in the number of investments until November

The IT sector tends to be the most active sector in terms of number of deals in the venture capital ecosystem in Spain, Europe and the USA. From our Research unit we have recorded, up to November 2014, an increase of 10% in the number of transactions and more than 20% in the amount invested. The growth occurred in the second half of the year, and mainly after the summer.

Venture capital leads the ranking of investor types, accounting for nearly 60% of investments. The growing presence of corporate investors, both from their specialised vehicles and direct investment, stands out. They account for almost 15% of deals, twice as much as in 2013.

In terms of the nationality of the investors, three quarters are of Spanish origin. Of the international investors, the presence of North American investors stands out, together with English and French.

Ecommerce as a major player. Education and fintech moving closer together.

As we mentioned, the months of October and November 2014 saw an upturn in transactions. The ecommerce sector, which accounted for 15% of investments in 2014, recorded the most significant transactions by amount: Tiendanimal (30M€),Ticketbis (5,2M€), Wallapop (3,5M€).

The education sector has also attracted investor interest. In smaller investment operations such as Tutellus (0,8M€), Aprendum (0,4M€), Boolino (0,35M€).

The fintech sector is the sector that has received the most investment by amount. At the end of 2014, the first transaction in a Spanish company dedicated to Bitcoin was registered, Coinffeinewith the participation of Bankinter, confirming the willingness of financial institutions to play a role in the future of the sector.

The ranking of the most active investors has been clearly headed by Caixa Capital risk which maintained its 2013 position. In second place is the venture capital firm Kivo Ventures and in the third Civet investment focused on seed investments. "Surprisingly, Cabiedes & Partners' positions have declined, but it remains consistent in its perception of bubble risk in Spain, mainly due to the high valuations," says Diego Gutierrez from Abra Invest.

Startups worth following

From our observatory of companies to follow, we have selected some startups that we recommend are worth following and watching their evolution in the market. First of all, we are talking about the education sector: Wannalea, Littlesmartplanet, the aforementioned Boolino. In the energy sector Opendomo and Duetecno.

We have prepared a report on "Analysis of investment in Europe in cloud computing". If you would like to receive it, leave us your email and we will send it to you.


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