Biotech operations: Minoryx, Suanfarma, Ability Pharma and Oryzon Genomics
Diego Gutiérrez
Biotech operations: Minoryx, Suanfarma, Ability Pharma and Oryzon Genomics
According to data provided by Ascri, in the first half of 2015, biotechnology, with 24 transactions, is the sector with the second highest number of transactions. In the last month, we have witnessed several operations for an amount equal to or greater than €10M.

Minoryx receives a €19M round of funding

Ysios Capital has led the €19M round that has received Minorix, a company specialising in the discovery and development of new drugs for rare or minority diseases. The round was also attended by  Caixa Capital Risc, the venture capital division of "la Caixa", and specialised international investors: Kurma PartnersRoche Venture Fund,Idinvest Partners and Chiesi Ventures, y  Health Equity, which, together with Caixa Capital Risc, was already a shareholder of the company.

The support of these investors is of great value to the company as they are investors with complementary perspectives, international in scope and with extensive knowledge in orphan drugs, as well as corporate investors from big pharma.

The funds raised will be used to complete the team, primarily in R&D, to advance the MIN-102 lead project to clinical validation and to further develop a portfolio of non-competitive drug chaperones identified through the company's innovative SEE-Tx platform.

Prior to this major operation, Minoryx has been able to mobilise more than €4M, and has also received support from the programmes Incompact, Challenges and Torres Quevedo by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the participative loans of ENISA and Nuclis and Eurotransbio grants from ACC1Ó.


ProaCapital enters in Suanfarma

ProaCapital has made the first purchase of its second fund, for which it has raised €350m, by entering Suanfarma.  

 ProA Capital's entry into the shareholding has been materialised through a capital increase 25m to support the company's growth.

Suanfarma specialises in the development, production and marketing of raw materials and finished products for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, veterinary, nutritional and cosmetic sectors. With annual sales of more than €80M, the Spanish company, founded in 1993, obtains more than 50% of its sales in international markets and, in particular, more than $30M in the United States.

Ability Pharma opens $10M round of funding

Ability PharmaAB Biotics' spin-off is investigating an effective drug against neuroblastoma cancer, a rare disease that mainly affects children.

To start the phase 2 clinical trial of the drug ABTL0812, the firm needs a financing round and is already in talks with several funds and family offices. The $10M round is expected to close in the first half of 2016.

Oryzon Genomics plans to go public

Oryzon, which researches therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, plans to go public on the Madrid stock exchange before 2016, in order to strengthen its position and be able to enter the US market by 2017.


If you are looking for financing, please contact us. Abra-Invest has a team of experts in alternative financing at your disposal. Fill in the contact form or call us on +34 946424142

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