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E-learning gets funding: Dada Company, Bussu, Foxize School ,Udance and Didactica Digital

E-learning gets funding: Dada Company, Bussu, Foxize School ,Udance and Didactica Digital

According to a study conducted by UR Global, in recent years, SMEs and startups in the e-learning services sector have been the profile of companies that have most decided to make the international leap, along with other sectors such as digital marketing. In order to grow internationally, it is necessary to have financing. Below we highlight operations in the e-learning sector that have been carried out in the last quarter.

Red.es grants for cloud computing solutions for SMEs

RED.ES will open a call in January 2016 to increase the supply of software solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter, "SMEs") in Software as a Service (SaaS) mode, by companies in the information technology and communications sector, improving their competitiveness and positioning in the commercialisation of these solutions.

Crowdlending news: Housers, MytripleA and Zencap

Crowdlending has grown in Spain by more than 360% in its first two years, reaching a total volume of €13.7M. It is a type of financing that, although it has just started in our country and is still seen as something new, it has a lot of potential. Bank financing still amounts to 95% in Spain, while in countries such as the United Kingdom or the United States this figure does not exceed 50%.

CDTI-Iberoeka :Cuarta  convocatoria bilateral Argentina – España para la financiación de proyectos empresariales de desarrollo e innovación tecnológica

CDTI-Iberoeka :Cuarta convocatoria bilateral Argentina – España para la financiación de proyectos empresariales de desarrollo e innovación tecnológica

The CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) of Spain and the MINCyT (Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation) of the Argentine Republic invite proposals for projects involving effective collaboration in technological development and innovation between companies from both countries in all sectors of industry.