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The Hazitek grants to support R&D in Basque companies have been published.

The call, which will have a budget similar to last year's, around €68M, will be organised in two phases this year: In the first phase, projects will be selected and in the second phase, a decision will be taken on the grant to be awarded to those projects which, having been selected in the first phase, meet all the requirements of the programme. Applications for the first phase can be submitted until 7 April.

Which Spanish Sap companies are active in M&A?

The Sap market is an already consolidated market, in which one of the main ways to grow is through acquisitions. In recent years we have seen several operations involving Spanish companies. On the other hand, SAP is making purchases in new technologies such as the internet of things or big data, in order to be able to offer better and more innovative services.

The great diversity of Electronic Data Rooms and the modes of picking them.

It is understood that the Virtual Repositories are becoming more common in our days. In contrast to their competitors, they can be proud of the higher protection level and offer you a bigger range of tools. Normally, they are experienced and are able to busy themselves with multifarious industries, but it is not always the case. There is a multiplicity of Virtual Data Room Providers and eventually, it raises different obstacles. At the first gaze, it seems that they are all identical but actually, they are really different. And so, we took a resolution to call the most agreeable and suggest you the approaches for deciding on them.