Diego Gutiérrez

The investment fund Moira Capital Partners has just injected €40m into Greene Waste to Energy, thus acquiring a majority stake in the Elche-based company, dedicated to the generation of synthesis gas.

This capital increase is a leap in quality for GreenE. Thanks to it, in addition to making changes to its Board of Directors, it will be able to finance, build and start up an ambitious project of one hundred gasification plants over the next ten years. The target sectors for these plants will be those where the treatment of the waste generated is more complex, such as end-of-life tyres or the meat, dairy or paper industries, among others.

The company has succeeded in developing a technology capable of valorising any type of organic waste, including municipal solid waste, industrial waste, biomass or sludge, and obtaining from them high added value products such as renewable gas, energy or biofuel.

The technology used by the company is especially competitive when treating heterogeneous waste with high levels of moisture, ash, and variable calorific value, where all other alternatives for the valorisation of alternatives are very inefficient. It has already been fully tested in four pilot plants, and has an industrial scale plant with a capacity to gasify 500kg/h.

Until now, they were looking to export it to other companies or projects, but thanks to the €40m, they will also be able to focus on its exploitation.

GreenE achieves the generation of electricity or hydrocarbons from waste of all kinds with an environmental impact close to zero, something essential in today's world, where environmental care has become an obligation to preserve the present and future life of humans, animals, and all other living beings.


GreenE has not been the only investment of Moira Capital Partners.

In two years, it has committed €150m to boost the high-growth projects of six other innovative companies: Nice Cold, which specialises in freezing fruit, Gritin the liquefied speciality gases sector, Bioflytecha pioneer in the production and marketing of insect protein and fat for pet food, Euroespesa central nervous system and genomic medicine company, Cubiq Foodsa producer of healthy fats, and the dermatological clinics of the Pedro Jaén Group.

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