The technologies that make energy efficiency possible
Diego Gutiérrez
The technologies that make energy efficiency possible
The technologies that make energy efficiency possible A recent study conducted by McKinsey states that, over the next 20 years, at least $37 billion will be invested annually in energy efficiency, using the new technologies available. American investors have been investing in the sector for a number of years, with very good results, such as Hannon Armstrong, which last year made its debut on the New York stock exchange, with notable success. In Spain, the first funds focused on this sector are already being created.

Companies that have received the most rounds

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There are companies that have received a lot of money in the sector. The company at the top of the list is Bloom Energyachieving a total of 980M$. This company, which is dedicated to producing clean energy through "Bloom Boxes", has made 5 financing rounds in which 10 investors took part, including leading funds such as Apex Venture PartnersCredit SuisseGSV Capital and Mobius Venture Capital. The latest financing round was carried out in May 2013 and amounted to $130M.

Emergence of energy efficiency funds in Spain

Sector-focused funds are appearing in Spain. The Catalan fund manager Suma Capital has this summer raised a €20M fund focused solely on financing investments linked to energy efficiency. The vehicle, which is called Suma Capital Energy Efficiency Fund, is supported by the Official Credit Institute (ICO). This type of vehicle is a investment is not oriented towards investing in technology companies with a venture capital is but in installation projects where the return comes from the energy savings achieved.

In addition, the need to invest in this type of project has led to the appearance of public funds such as the Jessica fund, which has a budget of €123 million and is co-financed by the European Commission. ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).

Spanish companies that have received rounds

There are also Spanish companies that have already benefited from financing rounds, such as Optimitive and Onyx Solar. Optimitive develops artificial intelligence solutions to optimise energy efficiency in large industrial centres. This startup, based in Álava, received last year a €1.4 M round of funding from GGM Venture Capital.

The engineering and consultancy firm Onyx Solar, specialised in building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), has closed a  financing round with the venture capital fund Fidesin September last year.

Related links:

List of energy efficiency technology companies

List of energy efficient technology inverters

acquisitions-en-energy-efficiency-sector/" data-cke-saved-href="">List of acquisitions of energy-efficient technology

We are currently preparing a report on the current state of crowdfunding as an alternative means of financing. If you are interested in receiving this report, please leave us your email address.

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