Juan Diego Cuenca, partner of Abra-invest, analyses the biotechnology sector on Gestionaradio
Diego Gutiérrez
Juan Diego Cuenca, partner of Abra-invest, analyses the biotechnology sector on Gestionaradio

Yesterday 28th October  Juan Diego Cuenca partner of Abra-invest I participate in the programme of Gestionaradio «En Clave de», presentado por Gonzalo Estafanía. Juan Diego hizo un análisis inversor del sector biotecnológico en Spain relying on the new tool they have developed,   Logic-finwhich allows you to track the operations carried out in different sectors. Here is the link to the programme. 

En Clave de sanitad Gestionaradio 

[slideshare id=40201475&doc=biotecnologa-analisisinversor-1s2014pdf-141013085721-conversion-gate02]


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