Jobandtalent, Linkedin, Cornerjob: technologies that unite the labour market are of interest to investors who are betting big on the sector.
Diego Gutiérrez
Jobandtalent, Linkedin, Cornerjob: technologies that unite the labour market are of interest to investors who are betting big on the sector.
This week Jobantalent has closed the largest round of funding in the technology sector so far in 2016, and Microsoft has bought the professional network Linkedin for €23.26 billion.


Jobandtalent receives €37M round of funding

Jobandtalent is a Spanish employment platform that connects SMEs with local talent, through a system based on a computer algorithm developed by the company itself, capable of extracting the main linguistic elements of the candidate to adjust them to the offer published by a company. It also offers an innovative personnel management and recruitment service, with services such as the automatic verification of the veracity of the candidate's professional experience and the creation of a system of classification and recommendation by companies to their employees, which aims to eliminate the need to interview the candidate.

The platform has closed a €37M Series B round of international funding, which has become the largest round of funding for a Spanish technology company so far this year. This round, which completes the more than €30M raised in the last two years, is led by Atomico, the international venture capital firm created by the founder of , Niklas Zennström.

Although they had been in talks with different funds since last year, they finally opted for Atomico, because of its experience in the global market and because it is an investor made up of entrepreneurs.

The company will use this investment to accelerate its international expansion, strengthen its presence in the markets where it already operates, reinforce its management and engineering team and continue developing its product. Jobandtalent currently operates in five cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Mexico City, Bogota and London) and has already managed to attract the best talent from leading technology companies like Amazon, iZettle, Skype and Spotify.

Other Spaniards in the sector have secured funding: Cornerjob

A few months ago we wrote a post, in which we told you that technologies that link supply and demand for labour such as Jobtoday, GuudJOB or Heygo were receiving funding.  

In April Cornerjob has joined these companies and has received a €12M round.

Born a year ago, CornerJob is a mobile job search application in any sector for non-executive profiles that registers half a million downloads per month and has around 20,000 job offers. The firm was created at Antai Venture Builder.

Investors in the company's financing have included investors such as Antai Business Angels and Mediaset, and venture capital funds Banc Sabadell Capital, Bonsai Venture Capital, Cube Investments, Ithaca Investment, Samaipata (founders of La Nevera Roja), Caixa Capital Risc, the venture capital manager of "la Caixa", and Media Digital Ventures. The company has also received an equity loan from Enisa. The capital provided will be used to consolidate the company's position in existing markets. The company is also considering the possibility of opening in other countries.

International: Microsoft buys Linkedin for €23.26 billion.

This week also saw a multi-billion dollar acquisition in the online job search sector. Microsoft has made the largest purchase in its history with the acquisition of LinkedIn for €23.26 billion.

Linkedin, which has been an absolute benchmark in the professional networking segment for years, could serve to boost the impact of Microsoft and its software and cloud solutions in all types of businesses.

Jeff Weiner, LinkedIn's CEO, will continue to lead the group. Microsoft has indicated that it expects to maintain LinkedIn's brand and independence, but will work to integrate the professional networking platform - which has 433 million users - with several of its work frameworks, such as Office and Office 365.

"The LinkedIn team has grown a fantastic business focused on connecting professionals around the world," Nadella said in a statement.

"Together we can accelerate the growth of LinkedIn, as well as Microsoft Office 365 and Dynamics in our quest to empower every person, every organisation on the planet," he added.
If you are looking for funding for your startup, contact us. Abra-Invest has an expert team in alternative financing at your disposal, call + 34 946424142 or fill in the contact form.

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Technologies linking labour supply and demand get funding




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