Investing in Technology: Top 5 PE Investments
Investing in Technology: Top 5 PE Investments

From August 15 to September 15, 585 investments have been made in the technology sector. In this news we will show the 5 main operations, according to our expert analysts in the tech sectors, carried out by Private Equities that are interested in investing in technology. These transactions cover various markets, from companies that develop their technology in the pharmaceutical sector, to the recently created Gaming sector.  

Investing in technology - PE

NT-Halan's, Egyptian FinTech 

The Egyptian FinTech company raised $120 million during its first round on September 8. As reflected in the FinTech Investment Report 2021This financial sector has a great projection and a bright future for investment. In this case, two British Private Equities interested in investing in FinTech technology: Apis Partners and Development Partners International. Both are focused on the technology finance sector among others. Link to the news

Canva, valued at 40 mM$ 

LThe well-known design web platform raised on Tuesday, September 14th a $200M round being its 16th round, and the second of the year. The Australian company had 9 investors in the operation being the American Private Equity, T. Rowe Price, the main investor. Canva had a pre-investment valuation of $40 billion. As far as PE is concerned, throughout its history, it has focused more on technology companies related to biotechnology or health care company. In the period studied in this article, the transactions carried out by T. Rowe Price are, for the most part, to online platforms  Link to the article

Canva is of interest when investing in technology

Mobile Premier League, eSports platform 

This Indian platform offers cash prizes while playing online games, video games ranging from Sudoku to Fantasy football. This sector of Gaming or eSports is undergoing an amazing growth in terms of funding and implementation in society, reaching in the last 3 years almost 70% of the total money raised. The deal to MPL had 12 investors with Legatum being the lead investor and raised $150M. Legatum is a PE with investors in diverse sectors.  Link to the article

Databrix, Artificial Intelligence for the cloud, with a valuation of 38 mM$ 

La The operation in which the most money has been invested was carried out on August 31 and was executed by Databrix. This US company is dedicated to the development of Artificial Intelligence for the interaction of corporate information in the cloud. The operation had a value of 1,600 M$, having 27 interested parties to invest in technology from AI, which finally became investors, and being the main one Counterpoint Global, an equity team of Morgan Stanley. Databrix had a previous valuation of $38 billion Link to the article

Hugel Control, beauty bio-pharmacy

The South Korean bio-pharma company, dedicated to the development of beauty and cosmetic products, has raised the second largest round in the last month, selling 47% of the company's shares for $1.5 billion on August 25. The deal consisted of four investors, the lead investor being Sweden's CBC Investment Group. This company focuses on small and medium-sized companies in the technology sector, having invested mainly in biotechnology-related companies. Link to the article

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