Investors in software that connects doctors with patients
Diego Gutiérrez
Investors in software that connects doctors with patients
investorsNew technologies applied to connect with professional experts present a wide range of opportunities, even in sectors where it seemed impossible, as in the case of medical care. In recent years, numerous companies have emerged that use new technologies to carry out patient monitoring, thus saving time and costs and providing a more personalised service. Venture capital has not wanted to be left behind and has decided to invest in the sector.

Main investors

Different investors by investment activity.

Among the investors who have done business in this niche are three types of investors. Firstly, highly specialised investors that are exclusively dedicated to the use of information technology in the health sector, such as   West Health Investment Fund. Secondly, Ventures capital specialising in ICT and software such as Canvas Venture Fund and thirdly investors active in broader sectors such as US Venture Partners.

"In the US, access to healthcare could reach millions of new consumers with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2014. Investors have bet on start-ups that offer transparency on healthcare costs, crucial to improve efficiency for patients, providers, hospitals and insurance companies," says Diego Gutierrez, an expert in alternative financing at ABRA INVEST.

Description of investee activity

The American West Health Investment Fund, has invested in Reflexion Healthsoftware that allows doctors to assess a patient's rehabilitation to see if it is appropriate. The West Health Investment Fund invests in companies that use technology in the healthcare sector, with the aim of lowering the cost of healthcare.

Canvas Venture Fund, bet on HealthLoopsoftware that allows doctors to monitor and communicate with patients during the recovery process. Founded in 2013, Canvas Venture Fund, bets on software companies in any sector of activity and has raised $175M since its launch.

US Venture Partners, which has invested in Omada Health, invest mainly in companies in the ICT or health sector, although its portfolio includes companies in a wide variety of sectors.

Omada Health is a Silicon Valley company that has created an online diabetes prevention programme.

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