Since the end of 2011, Feedback Network has been launching its latest proposal in beta phase. Abra-invest is collaborating with it in its growth and financing. is a web application that allows consumers to send their complaints, compliments, queries and suggestions free of charge to any company in the world by post, fax, email, etc.
ABRA INVEST gives a session at DEBEGESA on financing alternatives
The ABRA INVEST team gave a training session to several entrepreneurs invited by DEBEGESA, a development company of the lower Deba, one of the industrial regions of reference in the country. The session focused on the process of seeking financing for the development of a...
Business growth and its financing
We would like to present our new blog. The aim is to serve as a means of communication with those managers and entrepreneurs concerned with finding new growth vectors and finding the financial resources to carry them out. We believe that the two aspects must go hand in hand: there is no financing without a good growth project that makes the investment profitable, and there is no growth project without sufficient financing resources.
Seeking business opportunities for business growth and diversification
ABRA Corporate Venture Capital is an advisory service for entrepreneurs in search of new opportunities who hire a specialised management team to diversify and grow their business portfolio while maintaining decision-making power at all times.
Comunitae closes a new round of financing amounting to 1 million euros, the community of private investors who lend money to people as an instrument to achieve the best return on their capital, has closed in December 2011 a financing round of 1 million euros, bringing the total raised by the company in its first two rounds to 4 million euros.
CDR & SPOUTED BED PYROLISIS technology for energy recovery from waste
The energy recovery of waste is a growing sector driven by (i) Regulatory pressure to reduce the use of landfill sites and to promote alternatives for material and energy recovery and recovery (ii) In the face of external energy dependence, it is necessary to seek new sources of internal generation. (iii) In Spain we are far from the European average.
EROSKI, CARREFOUR, MERCADONA, should they fear new business models?
The large distribution chains have been increasingly taking over more and more of the small food retail sector. This has been based on the advantage offered by economies of scale due to the volume they manage: a wider range of products, better purchasing capacity, better prices, own brand, etc.

Business growth and its financing
We would like to present our new blog. The aim is to serve as a means of communication with those managers and entrepreneurs concerned with finding new growth vectors and finding the financial resources to carry them out. We believe that the two aspects must go hand in hand: there is no financing without a good growth project that makes the investment profitable, and there is no growth project without sufficient financing resources.
Seeking business opportunities for business growth and diversification
ABRA Corporate Venture Capital is an advisory service for entrepreneurs in search of new opportunities who hire a specialised management team to diversify and grow their business portfolio while maintaining decision-making power at all times.
Comunitae closes a new round of financing amounting to 1 million euros, the community of private investors who lend money to people as an instrument to achieve the best return on their capital, has closed in December 2011 a financing round of 1 million euros, bringing the total raised by the company in its first two rounds to 4 million euros.
CDR & SPOUTED BED PYROLISIS technology for energy recovery from waste
The energy recovery of waste is a growing sector driven by (i) Regulatory pressure to reduce the use of landfill sites and to promote alternatives for material and energy recovery and recovery (ii) In the face of external energy dependence, it is necessary to seek new sources of internal generation. (iii) In Spain we are far from the European average.