TICS Venture Capital Operations Report 2011
Diego Gutiérrez
TICS Venture Capital Operations Report 2011

We have recently been studying the yearbook of the Venture Capital Association 2012. In it, all sectors are discussed, but we have focused on one of the sectors with the fastest growing activity, the ICT sector. Our objective has been to analyse how it has evolved over the last year 2011.

Of the public funds, the following stand out: AXIS for larger development projects and in larger rounds, and CDTI for projects in the product development phase.

Of the private funds The most active ones stand out:

  1. Inveready: with 8 operations, all of them software or internet, ranging in size from €200-500k in seed or startup phase. Its main value is the maximisation of public funding and subsidies.
  2. Nauta capital: Being the main player in expansion projects having carried out major projects such as in the software company ijento with €2,900k and the €2,600k in Eyeview technology that allows video advertising content to be personalised.
  3. Caixa capital risk: the most prolific with more than 20 operations of very varied typology and unspecified amounts.

The largest operation in terms of size was the one carried out by Capital spike in the purchase of the online software download company softonic 7,100k€ by replacement or substitution of one of the previous partners.

The full report can be accessed at the following link link.

Diego Gutiérrez Zarza



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