Fondico selects 9 female managers in its third call for proposals
Diego Gutiérrez
Fondico selects 9 female managers in its third call for proposals
FOND-ICO Global, the venture capital fund of funds managed by AXIS, the ICO's venture capital company, has announced the 9 venture capital managers chosen in this 3rd call, in which it will invest €194M.



New funds selected

Los nuevos fondos seleccionados, que  tienen el compromiso de invertir en España €669M, se dividen en 4 categorías: fondos capital expansión, fondos venture capital y  añadiendo como novedad en esta  nueva convocatoria los fondos de deuda y los fondos de incubación.

The expansion capital funds chosen are: Bridgepoint Advisers, MCH Private Equity Investments and Talde Gestión.

 Venture Capital are Cabiedes & Partners Inveready.

Alteralia Management and BTC Investments 2012, have been the first debt funds to be selected and Major Key and  Suanfarma Biotech hatcheries.

Twenty-three funds applied for this call, of which a large percentage (44%) were international funds.

"The high participation of international funds is a sign of the confidence that these funds have in our country, overcoming the situation of 2009 and 2010 where international investors disappeared" says Diego Gutierrez of Abra-Invest.

Impact of fond-ico on risk capital

The ICO is driving venture activity in our country by encouraging private investors to contribute the remaining 60-70% of each fund. In the first half of 2014, the amount raised by private equity funds in Spain was €2,112m, compared to €514m in the first half of 2013.

Fond-ico has already prepared its fourth call for applications

 The fourth call will be launched on 28 November and the submission of documentation will be on 16 January.

En esta convocatoria no participarán fondos de deuda porque «no parece el momento» debido a las medidas que ha adoptado el BCE.

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