Diego Gutiérrez

Elma is a digital health insurance company, which has just raised €3m to develop its product. The firm has sold part of its shares to new investors such as the Luxembourg venture capital firm Mangrove Capital Partners.

The digital era means that we save money and time doing our day-to-day business through apps. Insurance and healthcare, both sectors with a high level of activity in corporate finance, were not going to escape this trend.


This is an insultech start-up that has launched the first digital native health insurance with no co-payment.

It claims to be the first company to create interactive health insurance, allowing customers to contact doctors and advisors in a personalised way via an app, as well as accessing primary care digitally.

En pleno boom de transformación digital, Elma es una compañía innovadora que aporta un valor diferencial en el sector de seguros de salud

Thus, it wants to be part of users' lives and respond to their day-to-day needs.

To this end, thanks to its technology, it places them at the centre of the healthcare system so that they have access to primary care digitally, as well as to a team of doctors and health advisors in an immediate, personalised, detailed and effortless way.

With this insurance, going to the doctor is easier and cheaper.


It has recently closed a Series A financing round of 3M€This will entail the development of its product, its growth and the recruitment of talent to put it at the service of the user. It will also mean a significant improvement in its positioning and visibility in the insurance sector.

Elma has sold part of its shares to the Luxembourg venture capital firm Mangrove Capital Partners and other investors from the healthcare sector and other investment funds such as Antai Venture Builder, the American Joyance and the Spanish fund Arroba Capital.



Vim is a American health care technology platform that guides specialists and patients.

It helps patients find, schedule and receive high quality care for the best outcomes.

It has recently managed to capture 24M$ in a round of funding B series.


Bright Healthfounded in 2015, offers health insurance products that connect users to various doctors and health care services.

It offers its health insurance plans directly to consumers through partner brokers and public and private health insurance exchanges.

In its last round of Series C financing, it was able to raise 200M$.

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