Venture capital invests in "access and identity management".
Diego Gutiérrez
Venture capital invests in "access and identity management".
Hackers and hackers are making the digital world an increasingly dangerous place. Bad news for businesses and states, but not so bad news for innovation hubs like Silicon Valley where cybersecurity is once again attracting the attention of the world's most vulnerable. venture capital.


A change brought about by cloud management

Administrators are shifting towards tools to identify and authenticate users in cloud programmes. Investors venture capital firms have spotted this trend and are investing in companies that manage their access to the data stored by services such as Salesforce or Google Apps.

According to data from CbinsightIn the last four quarters, companies providing cloud-based identity services and access management solutions have received $170M in 24 transactions. Most of this funding has gone to big, mature players such as Oktawhich raised $27M Series D from investors that included Sequoia Capital and Greylock Partnersand also the rumoured IPO candidate Ping Identitywhich achieved $44M in July. 

Increase in volume and number of operations

«El incremento del volumen ha venido provocado por las grandes operaciones de ventas que se han realizado, pero lo que más cabe destacar es que el venture capital is ha seguido invirtiendo en empresas en fase semilla en manteniendo así la expectativa de que todavía queda muchas innovaciones por ofrecer» analiza Diego Gutierrez de Abra Invest.

While mature rounds are driving the increase in volume invested in the "identity and access" sector, in the last 8 quarters, more than half of the deals have been in seed or early stage companies. Also 1/3 of the deals in growth stages highlighting  ForgeRock, backed by the capital of Accel and Foundation, which recently entered into a partnership to help launch a new identity management service at

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