Venture capital specialising in the energy sector
Diego Gutiérrez
Venture capital specialising in the energy sector
In recent years, concern for the environment and the use of alternative energies have led to the emergence of investors especializados en este sector, estos inversores han ido incrementando sus carteras a medida que aparecen nuevas startups enfocadas a este sector. Además otros Venture capital no enfocados únicamente a este sector están aumentado sus operaciones en el sector.

Braemar Energy Ventures

Braemer Energy ventures is a venture Capital  American, which has focused on the energy sector since 1989. In 2013 and the first quarter of 2014, it invested in 9 energy-related companies, mainly in the US but also in Canada and France. These rounds have been made both in startups that receive their first rounds as well as AlediaThe company has received 4 rounds of financing, the last of them this February, a series E round of $2.1M, and the last of them this February, a series E round of $2.1M.

Conoco Philips

Conoco PhilipsThe Houston-based American multinational, which is dedicated to the production and transportation of natural gas, has also carried out several operations (5) in the energy sector in the last year, most of them in the US, although it has also carried out one operation in Great Britain and another in Norway. If we take into account the type of company in which it has participated, we can see that most of the rounds have been carried out in companies that had already received financing in the past, and these are rounds quite large, such as the one that received Cool Planet Energy SystemsCool Planet Energy Systems, a technology company that develops fuels and carbon products to address the energy, food and water markets. Cool Planet Energy Systems, has been awarded a total of 6 funding rounds, $170.60M in total.

Other Investors

In addition, there are also some investors which are not exclusively dedicated to energy, but which in 2013 carried out several operations in the sector, such as BDC Venture Capital, the largest Venture Capital Method from Canada, which participated in a C series round in General Fusion together with Chrysalix Energy, Cenovus EnergyBDC Venture Capital, Braemar Energy VenturesRobecoEnvironmental Technologies Fund.

In Spain, there are also companies in the sector that have received funding in the last year, such as Deutecno which has received €1M. Deutecno is a small engineering company that has gone so far as to develop windmills without the need for noisy and sometimes dangerous blades.

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