The ICT sector accounted for 44% of VC operations in Spain in 2012.
Diego Gutiérrez
The ICT sector accounted for 44% of VC operations in Spain in 2012.

According to the report presented by Last week, the Venture Capital sector in Spain decreased by 18% in total invested volume. The ICT sector continues to hold the lead as a sector with 44% of the volume invested.

A fall of 18% in volume and 8% in number of transactions compared to 2011.

The total investment of Venture Capital Method(VC), which includes that exercised by national and international VC entities operating in Spain, CDTI and Enisa public funds and VC clusters. Business Angels (BA), accelerators and incubators, amounted to €230.6 million in a total of 1,063 deals in 2012.

77% of Venture Capital operations in Spain corresponded to Venture Capital.

On the other hand, the volume of investment in Venture Capital accounted for 9% of the Venture Capital investment package in Spain but, nevertheless, the 77% of the number of operations in 2012The average amount per transaction was 456,000 euros, while the average amount for new investments alone was 566,000 euros, compared to 574,000 euros and 533,000 euros in 2010 and 2011, respectively.


From a sectoral perspective, the IT category stood out with 44% of the amount invested.

This category includes the Hardware, Software, Internet, Semiconductors and Services segments, with an investment of EUR 69.8 million (44% of the total) spread over 179 deals (51%). It was followed by the Biotechnology/Genetic Engineering23.1 million (14.5%) and 48 operations (14%). Other sectors of note were Industrial Products and Services10.6 million and 19 operations, and Medicine/Health8.4 million and 24 operations.

You can download the full report by clicking on this link Venture Capital Report 2012.

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