Venture capital is again interested in fashion: MCH invests in Jeanology
Diego Gutiérrez
Venture capital is again interested in fashion: MCH invests in Jeanology

The fashion sector has become one of the main drivers of transaction and M&A activity in the last two years. The existence of an attractive fabric of medium-sized internationalised companies with growth potential and the existence of firms that have had to undertake restructuring or needed funds to launch an internationalisation project have paved the way for the entry of new partners in some of our best-known national players.. In 2016 we have seen how MCH has invested in Jeanlogía.

MCH invests in Jeanlogy

Jeanologia , la compañía española, especializada en tecnología para el acabado textil, ha dado estrada al fondo español de capital riesgo MCH Private Equitywhich has bought 35% of the company's shares for €20M.

With this capital injection, Jeanlogía intends to finance the expansion of its business and double its size in three years, as well as the development of new sustainable technologies for the textile industry.

In the last five years, the company has boosted its international expansion and has opened subsidiaries abroad to support its customers. Jeanología currently has its own offices in India, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Brazil and Mexico.

Jeanologia specialises in the design and manufacture of sustainable technologies for the textile sector, such as lasers. The company achieved a turnover of around €30M, a figure it expects to double by 2018, focusing a large part of its efforts on R&D&I activity, to which it will invest €10M.

This deal is the first transaction of the fourth fund of MCH Private Equity, which has just sold its last holding of the first fund set up in 1998, the 15% of the restoration Comess Group.

We have also seen several divestments in the fashion sector in 2016, such as that of Portobello in Festa.

Venture capital operations in fashion in recent years

Venture capital is once again interested in fashion: MCH invests in Jeanology

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